RPF) I've Never Lost (A.K.A.)

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I've Never Lost (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Wolff! Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: None

Summary: What started as a family outing has turned into a bet, and Kimi doesn't lose.

W.C. 1191

!! A/N Side note !! I am running out of chapters in this book, so I am starting another one! It is literally called Random Oneshots 2, and it'll be up when the first oneshot is posted. The first stories in it will be my side quests (aka the Breaking News alt. with Landoscar) which will be posted starting June 18 (this is also when the book will appear!). Please, don't forget to head over there as this book will be ending soon. Thank you <3

 Thank you <3

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Ever since you were teenagers, it was a tradition to go out karting with your family. It was standard procedure to go karting during the off-season or non-race weekends. Granted, you were never a driver, but once you started dating Kimi, he said he would drive you around the tracks. Before you and Kimi started dating, you would just watch Jack and your parents race, but now, you were finally able to join in the fun.

It was the middle of summer break, and Kimi was leading the F2 championship and ready to sign a contract with Mercedes for 2026. It was time for your regularly scheduled karting competition.

This was the first time Kimi was going to be joining. You had told him before that you wanted to race with your family, so he made sure he would be able to go out with you and get to know your family as your family and not his boss.

"I'm gonna win," Jack boasted as he led the way into the karting track. Your mom and dad laughed, following hand-in-hand behind him. You and Kimi were just behind Jack, chasing him toward the entrance of the track. "I'm gonna bet you and Kimi and Papa and Mama because I'm the best."

"I bet you are, Jacky," You laughed as you caught up behind him and threw him over your shoulder. Kimi fell back a little as he chuckled at your antics with your brother. He knew this was what you two were like, but it was always funny seeing it in person. It only happened a few times around the paddock since you two were more conscious of your images in front of so many cameras, but in the track in the middle of nowhere, you two were free to be as rambunctious as you wanted.

Jack and your parents never complained. You didn't have the most normal childhood with growing up surrounded by fast cars that could kill you. You had nothing holding you back out here, and Jack loved to mess around with his older sibling.

"You better not go easy," Toto chucked as he and Susie walked passed Kimi who had stopped and watched you spin Jack around upside down from your shoulders. How he got in that position, nobody knows. Kimi's attention snapped over to Toto at that moment in confusion at first before he continued his advice. "They'll both be mad if they find out you went easy. They're both extremely competitive. And this is Y/n's first time in a kart after some time, so you should make it memorable."

"You won't be mad if we win?" Kimi countered with a smirk. He had grown up around Toto and Susie enough to view them as second parents, but he also had to remember they were his bosses. However, right now is a family outing, not a work event. It was everyone for themselves.

"You say that like your double seater is going to beat three single seaters," Susie laughed when she came back into the conversation with passes for everyone to get on the track. "But go ahead and think you still stand a chance."

"Oh bring it on," Kimi challenged as he held his hand out for her to shake, "Why don't we place a bet? Loser buys dessert?"

"Just you and me or if any of us beat you two?" Susie teased before agreeing.

"I'll take my chances with all three of you," Kimi replied with a smirk since he couldn't keep a straight face. He gestured down to his outstretched hand again, "So, do we have a deal?"

"Consider it made," Susie responded as she shook his hand before handing him the two passes for you and him to get the kart. Kimi turned around to see you and Jack still messing about, so he went over to tell you what was going on.

"Jack, come over here," Toto called, causing you to almost drop him, but you gently set him down on his back on the asphalt. Jack jumped up and ran over to Toto, thinking something was wrong. "We need to strategize." Toto and Susie then took Jack down to the track and started planning for how they were going to win.

"Did we do something wrong?" You asked as you walked in step with Kimi and took your pass to show the marshals.

"No, but I made a bet with your parents, so they need to strategize," Kimi explained as he threw an arm around your shoulder while you sat trackside until the session before you were finished.

"You? Made a bet? With my parents? Your bosses? Willingly? Who are you?" You joked as you placed the back of your hand on his forehead, checking for a temperature. "You don't have a temperature. Are you sure you're fine?"

"I'm perfectly fine," He chuckled, pushing your hand away from his forehead and instead held it against his cheek. "You always say to let loose around them more. I'm just taking your advice."

"You're learning, I'm impressed," You teased, moving your finger to tap his nose. "Next, you'll be rough-housing with Jack and me."

"I think I'll stick with things that don't hurt me," Kimi scoffed with a smile as he pulled you closer into his chest while you watched the karts go around.

"Oh, and bets don't hurt your pockets? I see how it is, rich man," You joked as you leaned your entire body weight into him. "Do I at least get to know what the bet is before the race?"

"Loser buys dessert after," Kimi chuckled.

"We're in a double seater, dummy!" You exclaimed in shock. "They're gonna be so much quicker than us! You made a bet you know you'd lose!"

"One, you underestimate my driving ability. Two, you think that wasn't the point? Think how much harder Jack will try to win knowing there's something at stake," Kimi explained, and your jaw dropped. This reverse psychology was going to win your brother over in a heartbeat. "Plus, I know Jack and your parents are insanely competitive. I know you. They're gonna do anything and everything to win, and it'll be a real race."

"You are crazy, but I love it," You whispered as you left a kiss on his cheek before standing up and moving to the karts. You two put on your helmets and everyone took their places in their karts. Jack looked back at you and Kimi and signaled that he was going to catch you. Right as you sat down, you looked up at Kimi, who was still adjusting his helmet. "We're not going easy on them though, right?"

"No never," Kimi answered quickly as he took his seat in the driver's seat. He fiddled with the seat and wheel for a second before the look in his eyes told you exactly what he was thinking. "This is technically a championship, and I've never lost. Buckle up because you're not breaking my streak."

You tightened your belts and braced yourself. This was the best (and only) way to get back onto the track.


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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