Avengers) My Charm Bracelet (P.P.)

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My Charm Bracelet (Peter Parker x Reader)

Fandom: Avengers/Marvel
Requested: Nope
Warning: Far From Home Spoilers
Word Count: 1625

(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/F/F) - Your Favorite Flower


"Hey, (Y/N)," Peter said nervously

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"Hey, (Y/N)," Peter said nervously. He was late to your date for the third time this month. "I'm sorry, I had to talk to Mrs. Stark and-"

"Look, Peter, be honest. Do you want to be with me anymore?" She said quietly while gaining his eye contact. Her voice was laced with uneasiness. Peter freezes momentarily, eyeing his girlfriend of one year, today. "You've been blowing me off every time we plan something. Even today! Our anniversary. I understand that the internship is time consuming but so is having a girlfriend."

"I don't want to break up with you! It's just- I can't- Mr. Stark- ya know? I don't want to let him down." He stuttered, quieting his word throughout his statement.

"I get it, Peter. You don't want to let down Mr. Stark, but you are okay with letting your girlfriend down. I'll see you when we meet with the class tomorrow, Peter." She stood up, calmly, grabbed the claps of the charm bracelet Peter gave her for her birthday last year and handed him the jewelry. She walked out the door, her shoes echoing in the small restaurant they were meant to have dinner at.

Peter glanced at the charms in his hand, remembering each charm: a dress from homecoming, a tree from Christmas, a disco ball from New Years, a cake from her birthday, a heart from Valentines Day,a plane from your first flight overseas, a (Y/F/F) just because. He looked at each charm, thinking back to when he got you each charm.

He stood from the booth and walked to the exit. He turned into an alley and thought about his "Stark Internship." You didn't know he was Spider-Man yet. He was planning to tell you tonight but no, Mysterio had to ruin his plans while you two were in Italy with your class. He started to walk his way to the building where Fury wanted to meet Peter later. He didn't want to approach you when you were still mad at him.

You were walking back to the crappy hotel the teachers decided to stay at while you were all in Italy. You got to your room, well you and your best friend, MJ's, room. She was not in there so you went to go find your other friend, Ned.

"Ned, open the door please," You say as you knock on his door. He opened the door and MJ was standing behind him looking out the window. "Oh, hey MJ. I didn't see you in the room, so I came here."

"Do you know where Peter is?" She asked while looking over at you.

"Nope. He missed the date that he set for our anniversary, so I walked away before I said anything I regretted," I sat down on Peter's bed.

"Hey, that's good. You could have ruined your relationship if you stayed," MJ said. "Come on, go to the room, think, sleep, and tomorrow, just you and me. We'll do something stupid."

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