RPF) Scared in Love (F.B.)

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Scared in Love (Frog Boys X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous

Requested: Yee

Warnings: Jokes about violence (Droid)

Summary: Horror games are scary, who knew?

W.C. 1027 (about 250 each)


Puffer (At Dead of Night)

"This is stupid! All we're doing is running from a bald guy," I laughed as I controlled the movements in the game as we ran between rooms

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"This is stupid! All we're doing is running from a bald guy," I laughed as I controlled the movements in the game as we ran between rooms. Puffer had been asked to play At Dead of Night. Despite knowing he did not like horror games, he agreed as long as I was there for it. Neither of us had heard much of this game, and so far it was pretty boring. "Am I supposed to lock this door?"

"Maybe? Isn't the guy chasing you?" Puffer answered as he leaned closer to the screen. He broke his glasses recently, so he was blind for this stream, and that's the main reason he asked me to join. "Wait, why is that light flickering?"

"Like I know," I scoffed as I immediately moved toward it. Nothing happened. "See chat, y'all just be hyping up this game, and it's plain." I turned around in the game and jumped in my seat as some random person showed up. "Holy shit!"

"Dr. Bose was accused of the worst crime possible," Puffer joked with mock seriousness. "We need to go to the ground floor now to see the police lights!" He took over the controls, again leaning close to the screen to see.

"Maybe you shouldn't speed run out of the room," I advised.

"Nah, we'll be fine," And almost like Jimmy was listening, he jumped out from around the corner to kill us. Puffer jumped back in his chair, causing it to fall back.

"What did I fucking say!?"


Pezzy (Doors)

Pezzy (Doors)

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"It's Roblox. How scary can it possibly be?" were going to be my famous last words. I was sure of it.

"I swear to god if one more of these things pulls me out of the closet again, I will throw my controller at the screen!" I shouted as I died once again.

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