RPF) 'Average' (A.K.A.)

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"Average" (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Short-ish! Reader) (Clingy Antonelli Universe)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: None

Summary: Kimi needed some reassurance after that race (and you're never leaving his side).

W.C. 1053


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Immediately after the race, it was like you could not get a second to yourself. It was normal to you, but for some reason, this race brought out a whole different level of cling out of Kimi.

This DNF was not something he needed when he was in the title fight. However, it was only the sprint race! He would be starting on the front row for the feature race. Still, it was not fun to have to retire when your breaks start smoking in any situation.

You knew as soon as you saw that Kimi's car was smoking that you were not going to have any personal space for the foreseeable future. It was not something that happened a lot, but when it did, you had no objections.

He made his way out of the car after parking up in the garage, so the mechanics could get started on it and hopefully, fix the brakes before the feature race. Immediately after his helmet and balaclava were off, he was searching for you. You were not standing in your normal spot in the back of the garage, so he had to do a little bit of searching.

It did not take too long as he found you standing with Toto and Susie at the pit wall. He walked straight up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he listened to a couple of his team talk about the plan for tomorrow. Eventually, you could feel him getting restless just standing there, listening to all of the things that went wrong and what he would need to be aware of tomorrow. You subtly gave a look to Antoine, and he immediately caught on, letting you two go. That's when Kimi turned his attention to Toto and Susie.

"I'll do better tomorrow, I swear," Kimi sighed as he looked at them and fidgeted with his (and your) hands.

"That's not necessary, Kimi," Toto said immediately, "It's not your fault. It'll be fixed for tomorrow, and we'll get to see your real potential then."

"Thank you," He smiled as he turned to you. "I think now's a good time to head out, right?"

You nodded, knowing what was next. He placed his arms on the back of your thighs, and he prompted you to jump into his arms. The team was used to it at this point, having been witnesses to this earlier in the season, but you had long since cared about their thoughts of it. You would do anything to make Kimi feel better, and if being as close to you as physically possible made that happen, you would not stand in his way.

He carried you back to his driver's room. It was a ritual at this point. He would retire the car, pick you up, and then you two would hide away in his driver's room and watch a show or movie until the race was over.

He set you down on the couch before going off to take a shower and change while you took out your laptop. It was always the same movie that cheered him up, so you queued it up while you moved to grab a water and snack.

Of course, Kimi. being the taller mf he is, put all of your favorite snacks on the top shelf. And sure, you could get a chair and grab them yourself, but you heard the shower turn off. It would take longer to find a chair, grab the food, get down, and put the chair away than it would to just wait for Kimi to grab them for you.

It did not take long for him to come out of the bathroom, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He was also holding a Prema hoodie, but you knew he would give it to you. You just stood by the shelves of snacks, pouting and waiting for Kimi to notice you. He set the hoodie on the couch before he saw where you were standing.

"Are you too short to reach?" He chuckled lightly as he slowly walked over to you, easily grabbing the snacks from over your head.

"I'm not short," You groaned as you wrapped your arms around his waist as he grabbed the snacks. "I'm average. You're just tall."

"Pff, 'average'," he tsked as he shook his head, "Whatever helps you get by." He then turned to wrapping one arm under your arms to lift you up and carry you to the couch. He set you down, helping put the hoodie over your head. Then, he went to grab all of the snacks to put them on the coffee table. Kimi laid down behind you and pulled you down to lay on his chest. "Is this okay?"

"If it makes you feel better, it's perfect," You whispered as you placed a small kiss on his jaw before resting your head on his chest and carding your fingers through his hair. "You know tomorrow will be better right?"

"Yeah," He sighed as he fidgeted with the hem of your (his) hoodie. "It just sucks when the head of your future team is watching you retire the car and there is nothing you can do about it."

"You may not be able to do anything about it now, but what you told the team will help them solve the problem for the feature. You're on the front row tomorrow, and everyone knows that P2 has the best line into turn 1. It's better the car retired for the sprint race."

"You're right, when are you not?" He laughed as he planted a kiss on your forehead before leaning forward to press play on the movie. "Seems like you always know what to say in these kinds of things."

"I just know you, and what makes you feel better," You chuckled with him. "Plus, deep down, you know that it wasn't your fault. And you know that tomorrow will be better. I'll be there for your prerace ritual, so no bad luck for the feature race."

"You're not leaving my side ever again," He teased as he held you tighter against his body. "At least, during a race weekend. I'll carry you around if I have to."

"You already do, so it wouldn't be any different."


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Till next time,


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