RPF) His Backpack (A.L.)

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His Backpack (Arvid Lindblad X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: None

Summary: Nothing...just some pictures of Arvid and his backpack...

W.C. 1154


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For once this weekend, you were able to catch your breath. You were running around, following after your boyfriend and his teammates all weekend, but today it seemed even worse. You did not even have to do any of the racing or public appearances, but you were always by their sides, more specifically Arvid's side. No matter what was going on, you were there holding his hand the entire time.

Well, unless he was doing an interview or in the car. In those cases, you were right off to the side or on the pit wall. It did not take long for Dino, Gabriele, and the rest of the team, minus Rene, to start calling you his backpack. Rene knew you were always like this, but he joined in the teasing every once in a while.

That was years ago, and nothing changed.

Back to today, it was a race day. Qualifying went well for Arvid and Dino yesterday, and today was the sprint. Once again, Prema got a podium, and you were the loudest cheerer because it was your boyfriend on the top step once again.

Maybe it was all the cheering. Maybe it was the long walk between the paddocks. Maybe it was just because it's Monaco. You were ready to pass out, and you would appreciate this debrief to end sooner rather than later.

It had already been going on for an hour and a half. You gave up trying to read everyone's lips after 30 minutes, opting to just rest your head against Arvid's and play with his hands. He also knew you were tired. You only ever played with his hands when you were nervous or trying to keep yourself awake.

"Hey," he whispered to you as he took his headset off one ear momentarily. You looked up at him sleepily, causing a smile to spread on his face. "You can sleep. I'll wake you up when we're wrapping up, but it's not gonna be anytime soon. Might as well get comfy."

"If you're sure," You trailed off as you eyed him wearily, but he used his other hand to push your head back down to his shoulder. You did not oppose it one bit as you got comfortable while Arvid left a kiss on your forehead before putting the headphones back on correctly.

You resituated yourself to be less on your own chair as you slowly moved your legs to be across Arvid's lap, You cautiously looked at him, but he did not seem to care how you were practically sitting on his lap now. He just kept running his fingers up and down your back. You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist as you hid your face in his neck, given the new position. It was much more comfortable, so you were able to fall asleep in no time.

When the briefing came to Arvid, suddenly, no one wanted to talk about work.

"How long have they been asleep?" Rene was the first one to ask with a small smile. He had seen you two grow up together, and even he would be lying if he said he did not find your relationship adorable.

"The last half hour or so," Arvid answered quietly as he looked down at you with a fond smile. You had shifted a little more, so your head was no longer on his shoulder or in his neck. You were more pressed against his chest, but you had also curled into yourself and closer to Arvid like you were cold. The smile dropped from Arvid's face immediately at the thought of you being cold, so he slowly and carefully pulled off the Prema jacket he had been wearing. Thankfully, you were a heavy sleeper, so you did not even budge as he wrapped it around your shoulders. He watched your face change from a neutral, peaceful expression to a small smile as you pulled yourself closer to his body.

By the time Arvid finally looked up, he was met with the entire team staring at him. Dino had his phone out and was recording the entire interaction, causing Arvid to healthheartedly glare at him.

"Please, don't post that," Arvid pleaded.

"I won't, but I will send it in our group chat," Dino laughed as he was already sending it to the entire team. "You guys are cute."

"Don't let them see that," Arvid sighs, giving into the teasing, "They hate falling asleep in front of people."

They finally switched the topic back to the race. Seeing you asleep made them realize that it was getting late, and they needed to be back at the track early the next day. They quickly ran through the last of the notes before releasing everyone to start wrapping up to head home. You told Arvid earlier that he should sort his things before the debrief, so he was ready to head out as soon as Rene called it.

Arvid pulled out his phone from the jacket pocket to schedule an Uber to pick the two of you up before he looked down at you, still asleep. He did not have the heart to wake you up, so he unwrapped your arms from his waist and put them through the jacket sleeves. Then, he situated you on his back. It was something he had gotten pretty good at, and you did not even flinch when he stood up. He walked through the garage, saying good night to the team, all the while, carrying your sleeping form on his back. When he finished saying good night to the last member of the crew, he headed to the parking lot where the Uber was waiting to take you two to the hotel.

Sometime when he was walking around the garage, Dino took another picture of you two. Arvid did not have the chance to look at his phone until he had placed you on the hotel bed, and when he did, his face grew red. Not from embarrassment! He was blushing!

The pictures were so cute. He was surprised that Dino took such nice pictures even though he liked to tease you both the most. Arvid's favorite picture, he does not even remember doing it, but Dino caught a moment where Arvid was looking at your head on his shoulder, smiling. Arvid immediately made that his lockscreen picture, and would show you the rest of them tomorrow.

When he was about to shut his phone off for the night, one last text came in. Dino, of course, sent one last picture. This one was of you looking up at Arvid when you first moved onto his lap in the debrief. Arvid was distracted by the conversation, so he was looking off to the side, but that picture also became one of his favorites of all time. Then, Dino sent one last message.

"Just some pictures of you and your backpack."

Yup, Arvid and his backpack.


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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