RPF) All the Luck (A.L.)

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All the Luck (Arvid Lindblad X Bearman! Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: None

Summary: Subtle is not your middle name.

W.C. 1405


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You never meant for the secret to go on this long. It started as a casual relationship when you met Arvid one day when you went to meet Ollie at Prema Headquarters. Arvid had pointed you in the right direction, you exchanged numbers and began texting. You would go to the races to support Ollie and eventually, when you and Arvid gathered the courage to admit your feelings, you supported Arvid too.

It was easy to hide because Prema was in both F2 and F3, and you were close friends with a lot of the F3 boys. They were also closer to your age, so you just got along with them better. Ollie also gave you free range. He didn't care what you did as long as you were there to support him in the races.

Now, Ollie was in Formula 1 and Arvid was in his second year of Formula 2. It was a little harder to bounce between Ferrari and Prema. They were on complete opposite sides of the paddock, and Ollie would surely know what was up. However, with Abu Dhabi comes high emotions. It always has.

Arvid was in a title fight, and to say he was nervous would be the understatement of the century. He had told you about it over text, on Facetime, and you could clearly see it on his face that he was scared for the outcome of these two races. You knew you needed to do something, and it was going to need to happen soon or else Arvid was going to pass out.

You decided to sneak out of Ferrari's garage after free practice 1 but before F2 qualifying. Arvid was blowing up your phone, asking if you think he's cut out for this. If he can handle this. If he's overrated. All of which you knew the answers to immediately. You hated to hear him talk down on himself, so you knew what you had to do.

It wasn't difficult getting past Ollie and the Ferrari team. They knew you enjoyed F2 and were friends with a lot of that grid still. Plus, Prema was like a second family for you since you were always with Ollie, and you became really close with the team. No one thought twice when you left the facility because they knew where you were going.

You walked into the Prema garage like you owned it, not like anyone thought twice about it. The team was used to you hiding away in their trailer, having picked up on your and Arvid's relationship almost immediately. You said "hello"s to different members of the team as you made your way into the back where Arvid was pacing back and forth. When you made it through the threshold of the room, his attention snapped to you. You could see the fear in his eyes, so you sped-walked to wrap him in your arms.

"Arvid, you've got this, take a breath with me," You consoled as you took deep breaths with him. You ran your hands up and down his back in a calming manner. He slowly started breathing deeper and his heart rate started slowing to a more acceptable rate. You moved your hand up to rest against his cheek as you made him look at you. "Hey, you wouldn't be in a title fight if you didn't deserve to be. You are skilled, Arvid. I wish you could see yourself in the way I see you."

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