RPF) Concussed (O.B.)

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Concussed (Ollie Bearman X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: Concussion symptoms

Summary: Why isn't Ollie answering you?

W.C. 1123


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It was never fun to not finish a race. Every opportunity to earn points was crucial when he needed to impress Ferrari.

It wasn't even his fault! He got rear-ended by Zane and somehow, he spun into a wall while Zane was able to keep racing. It was unfair honestly. Zane did get a significant penalty, but it was not nearly enough to make up for the lost opportunity.

You knew Ollie would be upset about it before he even texted you. Because of final exams, you had to miss this race, so you had to watch the crash from your apartment in Italy. You immediately sent him a text asking if he was alright and saying you would stay awake for whenever he was ready to talk despite knowing he would not respond for a while. You would not be able to sleep until you heard his voice and he knew it.

You did not want to finish watching the race after that. You would check the race results later, but your heart was still racing (pun intended). You did not need to be watching cars racing when you knew your boyfriend was not in it. You had taken to getting a headstart on one of your assignments. It was just a paper, so you could at least get an outline figured out before Ollie called you. You set up your papers and laptop on the couch as you started getting to work.

When you finished the outline and still didn't receive a call, you just started the draft.

When you finished the draft and still didn't receive a call, you just started editing.

When you finished editing and still didn't receive a call, you finished up the paper to turn in.

When you were ready to turn it in, it was almost 6 in the morning, and you were concerned.

You checked your phone again, but there were no notifications from Ollie. Part of you wanted to call him. Another part wanted to call the team to see how he was doing. The last part of you wanted to pass out. You were not prepared to pull an all-nighter, but that's what it turned out to be.

You moved your laptop aside as you got more comfortable. You didn't want to fall asleep, but you would be able to hear your phone go off if you did. You had a random show on the TV, and you thought that closing your eyes for a minute would be fine.

You got maybe an hour or two before you heard kees at the front door. Again, you checked your phone and there was nothing from Ollie. However, there he was, walking through the door in a hoodie and sunglasses. The hood was pulled up and he had his head down as he slowly walked into the apartment and set his bag down. He took his shoes off before approaching where you were still lying on the couch.

He immediately laid on top of you, not bothering to take the glasses off or pull the hoodie down. You wrapped your arms cautiously around his shoulders as you placed a kiss on his head. Then you grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch to put over both of your bodies.

"Bear?" You whispered as you rubbed a hand up and down his back. Instead of an answer, you were met with a grunt from Ollie. "You feeling okay?"

"Concussion," He groaned as he situated himself further into your chest. "It hurts."

"I'll take care of you, Bear," You promised in a soft tone as you moved a hand into the hood to gently comb through his hair with your fingers. You looked over at the window and saw that your curtains were still open. The sun was going to be rising soon, so you gently moved to get Ollie to sit up. He protested immediately and tried to hold you tighter. You chuckled lightly, but whispered, "Bear, we should go to our room. It'll be darker in there, and we can sleep the day away."

"I don't wanna move," He groaned and tried to hide his face in your chest.

"I would carry you if I could, Bear," You chuckled again as you pushed a piece of hair away from his forehead, "but trust me, you'll appreciate being in the dark on our bed where your legs are not handing off the side."

"You convinced me," He let a small smile appear on his face before pushing himself up but stopping before standing up. "Can you help me? It's spinning."

"I promised to take care of you, Bear," You consoled as you stood and grabbed his forearms to help him stand slowly. Then, you put his arm over your shoulder and wrapped yours around his waist to help hold him up as you walked into our shared bedroom. You set Ollie on the bed against the headboard as you checked to make sure the curtains were closed. Then you moved to the closet to grab out a t-shirt and sweatpants for Ollie. "I'm gonna help you change. Is that okay?"

"Keep the hoodie on? Don't wanna mess with my head," he whispered as his head lolled to the side as he tried to open his eyes to look at you, but his head was still pounding. Ultimately, he just gave up.

"That's fine, but those sunglasses are not gonna be fun to sleep in," You replied as you helped Ollie change out of his jeans to the sweatpants. That's when you remembered, "Wait, I have a sleep mask in my travel bag for flights. That'll probably be more comfortable if you're willing to take those off for me to switch it."

"Those silk ones? Those are comfy," Ollie chuckled lightheartedly as he let you slide the glasses off his face and pull the hood down carefully. Then you slowly stretched the mask to go over his head to make sure it would not snap anywhere. Once it was situated, you pulled the hood back up for Ollie. "Can we sleep now?"

"I would try to get you to brush your teeth, but I have a feeling that'll hurt your brain more," You joked lightly, but it went over his head. "Yes, Bear. We can go to sleep."

You got situated under the blankets on your side after helping Ollie under the covers as well. He immediately gravitated toward you, placing his head back on your chest as he clung to you. You gently rubbed up and down his arm, encouraging him to go to sleep which happened in no time.

That's when your heart finally stopped racing. Ollie was safe in your arms.


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Till next time,


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