TMR) It's Always Been Minho Pt.2 (Minho)

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It's Always Been Minho Pt. 2 (TMR Minho X Reader)

Fandom: The Maze Runner

Requested: Yeah, it's been a minute since I've done TMR, I was starting to lose my roots lol (I left it open for a part 3, so let me know if that's something yall wanna see)

Warnings: WICKED

Summary: They survived, but at what cost?

W.C. 2305


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I couldn't see. The sun was blaring down more than it ever did in the maze, and the rays reflected off of the never-ending sight of sand. This was nothing like the glade.

The glade was safe to me. Sure, I was running into the maze every other day and nearly killing myself, but other than that, there weren't random things out to get me. There weren't natural elements or random people with the flare after me. Out here, it was brutal.

It was also very awkward. I could tell that the boys felt it too. Maybe it was the feelings Minho and I had not talked about. Maybe it was how Teresa really was not a trustworthy person. Maybe it was because we were spending our days walking through sand and could die at any point.

We had not even been out of the WICKED facility for longer than a few days but it felt like had been at least a month. All of the days blurred together. Every day was just sand, walking, wind, walking, sand. One day, we finally saw something promising; a city. That was when we finally got a moment to regain our barrings.

I finally had a moment to myself. I was sitting and hiding in a corner of the room we had barricaded ourselves in, and I just wanted to enjoy the solitude after having no breaks. At one point I leaned against the wall and dosed off. I must have been out for a few hours because when I woke up, the sun was gone and everyone else was asleep.

Everyone except Minho.

He was standing by a metal trashcan that was lit on fire, trying to stay warm. I walked over to stand beside him, cold as well. It did not take him long to detect the very noticeable shiver I made every once in a while, so he moved his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.

"I think it's time we talk," I whispered, leaning into his side, but not looking at him. "We haven't had the chance, but there's no one to interrupt us now."

"I like where this is heading," He smirked, tightening his hold. I immediately scoffed, pushing his arm off of me, and turned to glare at him. "What? It's a joke!"

"Not everything needs to be sexual," I answered annoyed as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just acting like I did before the maze," He admitted, "I always made those kinds of jokes with you, and you loved them."

"Well, newsflash Minho! Not everyone remembers life before the maze!" I pointed out as I shook my head in disbelief. "Pre-maze me may have loved that, but pre-maze me also didn't have to endure all the sexist comments of the guys around her. Forgive me for not finding a sexual joke funny after being ridiculed for my gender for three years straight."

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