RPF) Impromptu Meeting (A.K.A.)

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Impromptu Meeting (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Bearman! Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: Making out, brief sex joke (if you squint)

Summary: Maybe sharing a room wasn't a good idea...

W.C. 1253


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It was not how you imagined introducing your boyfriend to your family, let alone your brother.

You were supposed to be there to support Ollie (which you were!), and it wasn't like you were sneaking off to another garage or wearing another team's kit. Thankfully, Kimi had signed to Prema at the beginning of the season, so that was not something you needed to worry about.

When you first met Kimi through a mutual friend, he did not know your brother. Granted, you only introduced yourself by your first name, but drivers stuck with drivers. You assumed he knew that you were associated with one of the drivers. It wasn't until the middle of the Formula 2 season that Kimi finally made the connection.

You had stayed up the entire night before, catching up on assignments you had been putting off in order to spend more time with Kimi. You had traveled to the track a few days early to meet with him, and you told your family it was for a school trip. You would meet them at the track by Thursday.

It was currently Wednesday, and you were cuddling with Kimi in your hotel room. You may or may not be struggling to stay awake, but that was not really a problem since Kimi had done all of the promotional things he needed to do that morning. Plus, the whole team, namely one of their drivers, was not there yet, so they did not want to get too far ahead without the rest of the team.

You were watching some random lifetime movie on the television as you laid on Kimi's chest. He may have been reading race strategies, but you were not going to force him to pay attention to the movie when you weren't paying attention anyway. You were more captivated with listening to his heartbeat and watching his concentration focus on the piece of paper. At one point, you moved up a little to lay your head on his shoulder, so you could look at the paper too. Despite growing up surrounded by racing, you still could not understand most of the strategies for the life of you.

"Y'know," You broke the silence as you shifted your attention to his face. He looked down at you, his concentration being broken as soon as you moved, but he did not say anything. "I really wish I understood any of that jargon. Sometimes I wish I could read it and think 'Ah, yes! This will be a one-stop race and we'll pit for mediums.' I really do sometimes."

"I thought you just liked the sport," Kimi laughed as he set the papers to the side. "You really don't care about the behind the scenes or the strategies. You like cars going fast, and you like the people in the cars."

"Sometimes, I really wish you didn't know me as well as you do," You giggled as you leaned up to peck his lips. He reciprocated immediately, pulling you onto his lap as he wrapped his arms around your back to hold you to him. Your lips moved in sync for who-knows how long, and you were only broken apart by the sound of bags being dropped on the floor. That's when you finally pulled apart, thinking it was Kimi's dad or Anthoine, but no. It was Ollie with his jaw on the floor and his hand over his eyes. You moved away from Kimi and approached Ollie, but it's not like he could see you. You approached him cautiously, reaching out your hand, "Ollie, I can explain."

To say Kimi was confused would be an understatement. He knew Ollie was going to come today, but why would you need to explain to Ollie? The Prema boys almost always shared a hotel room. He had walked in on Ollie with a few people, so why was he reacting this way when the tables were turned?

"I don't need to see this!" Ollie complained as he turned around and walked back into the hallway.

"Ollie, wait," You followed after him, causing Kimi to also climb out of the bed, wanting to get to the bottom of this. He grabbed a keycard just in case as he followed you both toward the stairwell and out to the back of the hotel. "Ollie, please. Give me a chance to explain."

"You and my teammate? Really?" Ollie sighed, turning around to face you. It did not sound like a disappointed sigh, just a confused one. You could work with that. "Why my teammate? Also, I thought you had a boyfriend!"

"I do! It's Kimi," You explained as you moved to stand in front of Ollie. "It's been Kimi this whole time. We've been seeing each other since Paul and I went to the FRECA race at Mugello last year but became official after Hockenheim."

"All this time I thought you liked Paul," Ollie commented to himself, but it caused you to laugh. "What?"

"I've been around Paul for too long," You laughed, finally letting out a breath you had been holding. "He's like a brother too much."

"Hey! You already have a brother! Don't go replacing me already!" Ollie protested, and that caught Kimi's attention. He had been hiding by the stairs, watching you two converse in the parking lot, but at that point, he could not hold back his shock.

"Brother?" He said out loud on accident, causing both of you to look at him. He never realized how similar you looked until that moment. Not identical, but now that you both stood side-by-side, looking at him, it was fairly obvious that you were siblings. "You're related."

"Maybe," You chuckled at the look on his face. Just as much, maybe more, shock than when Ollie saw you and Kimi.

"Yeah, that's my younger sibling," Ollie said as he pointed at you before brushing past you to walk up to Kimi. "I get that you're my teammate, but if you screw this up, I will push you off the track."

"You're not gonna forbid me from dating your sibling?" Kimi was confused, but he would accept it with open arms if it meant he got to stay with you.

"No," Ollie sighed with a smile. "I've heard enough about how well you treat them, so I'm not concerned. Don't make me concerned, Andrea."

"I'll try my best," Kimi replied back with a smile as Ollie pulled him into a hug. Having your older brother's approval was something you always wanted, so you smiled as well.

"Oh, one more thing," Ollie started as he turned to look at you, still standing in the spot you were at previously. You slowly walked over to join the two. Ollie turned from smiley to downright serious in the blink of an eye; it almost scared you. "I don't wanna walk in on you making out ever again."

"Then, the same rule goes to you," Kimi joked back, causing you to gape at Ollie.

"You're making out with people? Ew." You jokingly pushed away from Ollie, wiping your hands on your shirt.

"You did the same thing! Don't even try to flip this on me!" Ollie tried to defend

"I have a feeling we should not be sharing a room anymore," Kimi trailed off to himself as he slowly started moving towards the stairwell again.

"What's that supposed to mean, Andrea?" Ollie accused as Kimi took off up the stairs. "No! Get back here! We're not done with this conversation!"


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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