RPF) MercDuo (A.K.A.)

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MercDuo (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Mercedes F Race Engineer! Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: Aged up Kimi, hate on reader for a second, D*nica P*trick

Summary: Kimi and the reader are the youngest driver-engineer duo in F1.

W.C. 1221

!! A/N Side note !! I am running out of chapters in this book, so I started another one! It is literally called Random Oneshots 2, and it is up on my account. It will follow the same upload schedule as this one. Please, don't forget to head over there as this book will be ending soon.

Thank you <3

Thank you <3

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You started your internship with the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team when you turned 16 and in the short year and a half you were there, you flew through the ranks. When Bono told you he was stepping down to follow Lewis to Ferrari, you assumed the new person would be just as cool.

As it turns out, Bono personally recommended you to Toto Wolff to take his place as race engineer.

Your boyfriend Kimi, who you met at a smaller karting track when you first started learning about engineering, was going to be your driver. There's no way this could have gone right. There were too many conflicting relationships and forces for it to run smoothly. At least, that's what the media said.

Well, you learned from the best and the best nominated you to fill the void. That said something. Not to mention, Toto would not have put you in the role if he didn't think you could handle it. That said something. And last but most certainly not least, you and Kimi always had a working relationship.

Ever since you joined Mercedes after him, you two set clear boundaries. Rule number one, no flirting on the job if they are in the middle of something. Randomly in passing was fine, but it was kept to a minimum. Rule number two, you work together, and work to find common ground. Sounded like a given. Rule number three, work is work; leave it at the garage, track, factory, or wherever you are at. Work stays at work and it's not brought home. Vice versa. Your personal relationship stays outside of working hours.

It was never a problem because Kimi was in the junior program and you were in F1, shadowing Bono. Obviously, with Lewis leaving, the new seat was open for practically anyone. Also, while you were usually a part of the driver decisions and contracts, the team conveniently left you out of the new driver decisions until Kimi himself told you he was taking Lewis's place.

This was fine at first because you already saw Kimi around the factory, and you would just be in the background during races. There was absolutely no crossover.

Yeah, then Bono decided to go with Lewis, and Toto promoted you to Kimi's race engineer. Queue the iconic moments between you and Kimi.

Australia, round one of the 2025 season, was one for the books. Not only were you and Kimi excited to show off the new car (which is definitely championship worthy!), but the entire fanbase was curious (and some angry) to see how you and Kimi would match up against the rest of the grid. You two were barely legal, and neither of you had much experience. That's what they thought, at least. You had been studying strategy since you could read, and you were ahead of your classes. It was the same story with Kimi except he was driving. Both of you flew through your respective ranks and were highly regarded. Some people were anticipating you both living up to the hype. Others were honestly hoping you would fail.

You both walked through the gates hand in hand toward the Mercedes garage. Journalists and fans alike shouted questions at you both, but you two just walked straight past them and put on some sunglasses. This was the first sign you both meant business, and it brought a lot of attention to Mercedes in general.

"Here we see Mercedes rookie, Andrea Kimi Antonelli, and his race engineer and partner, Y/n L/n," Jenson Button said as you two walked past the camera where he was commenting on the prerace show. "They are probably the youngest driver-engineer duo in all of motorsports, but they are proving everyone wrong with Kimi topping the free practice sessions and bagging pole in qualifying."

"Not many people know this, but Y/n actually graduated at the top of her class super early, and started an internship shadowing Peter Bonnington, Lewis Hamilton's race engineer, when they were 16. While that's impressive, I just don't think they're ready for this kind of pressure just yet. They only just turned 18, and 2 years is not enough experience before being the lead race engineer." Leave it to Danica Patrick to say something condescending, but Jenson was not going to stand for it.

"I am a(n) Y/n-defender first, commentator second," Jenson chuckled, but anyone watching or listening knew he was being completely serious. Jenson knew your character. He knew how hard you worked to get where you are, and he was not going to stand for anyone shit-talking you. It just made it a little better that he got to tell off his nemesis, Danica Patrick. "I will fight for Y/n any time, any day. They have worked too hard for someone to start badmouthing them."

"But don't you think it's at least a little questionable of Toto Wolff to bring on the second youngest driver, next to Max Verstappen, and the youngest race engineer of all time?"

"I think the answer is in the results," Jenson stressed in disbelief. "You said it yourself that they've topped every session together, and the team has been looking pretty reliable for pitstops all weekend. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Kimi pulled out a win on his maiden race."

"Kimi, radio check," the broadcast cut to the drivers lining up on the grid, and your radio message to Kimi rang out.

"Loud and clear," Kimi answered, and that was the end of the broadcast, so they didn't catch the second half of Kimi's message. Instead, it cut short, and the commentary team jumped into their own conversation.

"This goes to show they can be professional when needed," Jenson laughed. "They may be young but they are professional enough to know there is a time and place. On the grid is not one of them."

If they had heard the rest of the message, they would know everything Jenson just said was a lie.

"Oh, I don't get any good luck?" Kimi teased as he looked to the lights for the formation lap.

"Amour (<em>love</em>), now is not the time," You lectured as you talked a little quieter, especially around the rest of the team. They did not need to be alerted that their driver was currently distracted as he proceeded through the turns of Australia.

"What if I crash? Do you really want the last thing you say to me be 'now's not the time'?" Kimi retorted as he went through the formation lap.

"You're so dramatic," You groaned, but you couldn't wipe the smile from your face. You glanced around at everyone briefly just as Kimi was coming around the last turn and into his grid slot. You signed, "Ti amo. Stai attento bello. Torna a casa da me (<em>I love you. Be careful handsome. Come home to me(</em>)."

"Sempre(<em>Always</em>," Kimi said as he waited for the green flag to fly at the end of the queue.

"Now, focus on the race," You turned serious again, "In the words of Sebastian Vettel, go fast, don't crash."

"I try my best," Kimi chuckled as he turned his full attention to the lights for his first Formula 1 race. His first pole position. His, eventual, first win in Formula 1.


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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