RPF) Best to Worst to Best (R.A.)

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Best to Worst to Best (Ralf Aron X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/WEC

Requested: Was gonna be Inktober but I liked the plot too much lol (Also, this is my 100th full-length fic, so yay!)

Warnings: Weddings, toxic cousin mentioned

Summary: Sometimes, things need to be improvised.

W.C. 1567


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It was supposed to be the best day of your life. Your wedding day. Everyone always told you that it would be the best day of your life. However, it didn't feel that way. Anything and everything that could have gone wrong, did.

First, your photographer was late. That was fine. They were extremely apologetic, and you forgave them because traffic was out of their control. Then, your bridal party lost your shoes. That was almost not fine. Thankfully, you had the same shoe size as one of your friends, so they let you borrow theirs. It's not a big deal yet, but you were starting to get suspicious. Next, your toxic cousin, whom you only invited because your aunt and uncle pressured you, spilled red wine on your ceremony outfit. That was not fine. You almost called it off then and there. You did not consider yourself crazed when it came to your wedding, but red wine on white did not mix. Finally, and the cherry on top, you found out that the press had found your location, shared it online, and now, the place was swarmed with fans. That was it.

"Just call it off," you cried as you stormed out of the en suite and into the adjacent room where most of your party was sitting. "It's all gone to shit."

"Just take a breath, no need to do anything rash," your right-hand person consoled as you sat on the bed. "It's the best day of your life-"

"Some funny way of showing it huh?" You snapped, shooting up as you felt everything pile on top of you. "Everything is ruined and if this is supposed to be the best day of my life, what does that say about the rest of my life?"

"Calm down," your parental figure tried to put their hand on your shoulder, but you stepped back. Even though you wanted comfort, no one in this room could have provided what you wanted. You wanted your fiance.

Blissfully unaware, Ralf was having a blast with his friends and family in their suite. Funny enough, it wasn't your fiance who felt something was off first. It was his brother of all people. Paul was super close to you. Not only were you the perfect match for his brother, but you were the best race engineer he could ask for. He was also the one who set you up with Ralf in the first place. He liked to joke that he chose his favorite sibling. At that moment, however, he knew something was wrong, so he went to investigate.

He left the suite, not that anyone noticed; they thought he was getting something given that he was the best man after all. He ended up running into your right hand person who was frantically running around. They briefly ran through everything that had happened, and when you asked for a minute to yourself, no one could find you.

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