SPN) Do You Trust Me? (Pt2) (S.W.)

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Do You Trust Me? (Pt2) (Sam Winchester X Reader)

Fandom: Supernatural

Requested: Entry for @thisismysecrethappyplace's Share The Love Bingo. Square Filled: Sleeping Beauty. Also an entry for @spnquotebingo with the prompt, "The first boy I ever kissed ended up in a coma for three weeks."

Warnings: None

W.C. 1220


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"Sam, please, you can't be one of them, too," I wept as I rolled him over to lay on his back with his head in my lap. "I can't lose you now that I just found you."

I reached into his pocket to call Dean, thinking that he would know how to fix this.

"Sammy, I left you less than a day ago. What did you do wrong?" He laughed.

"Actually, it's (Y/N). Sam got hit by this old hag, and now, he won't wake up. I don't know what to do, Dean," I practically whispered before breaking into a sob towards the end.



The incident happened almost two weeks ago. Since then, over half of the town had disappeared. Dean came back the next day with Cas and Bobby. He said they would be able to help us solve it quicker since Bobby had encountered something like this before.

We decided that it was an immortal witch and the solution would be to burn her alive. We knew she resided in the lakeside hut. We were waiting in the basement at my parents' house given that they disappeared about a week ago. I was sitting on a loveseat, looking in some old legends in the town for any witches.

"Find anything yet?" Dean asked as he came to sit next to me with a sandwich in his hand for me.

"I found a coven of witches from the 1700s but they were all hung and burned on August 9th. The only way that she would be a part of this is that she wasn't killed," I said while taking the food.

"She could have been a child back then. Did they kill any kids?" Boby pitched in as he sat at the counter of the kitchenette.

"'The infant girl, as shown on page 96, was excused from the execution as she did not show any signs of magic or witchcraft.'" I read from the book.

"That was probably her," He said as he looked over my shoulder to look at the picture of the young girl in the lake house.

"Then, let's get to burning," Boby exclaimed as he grabbed Dean's keys and threw them to Dean.

Unfortunately, she did not die. She somehow used the flames to her advantage, and she distracted us while she made her escape. She used her powers to shoot the flames in our direction. I ended up with a third-degree burn on my arm. Cas said he would heal it, but I opted for the normal healing process.

"I know it has been weird being included in a supernatural investigation, but how have you been?" Dean said as he came up to me, helping me change the gauze on my arm.

"My parents fell victim to a psychotic witch, and the first boy I ever kissed ended up in a coma for three weeks. How do you think I feel?" I turned my head to throw a half-glare at him.

"You kissed Sam?" He seemed to know the answer but still confused that Sam would make the move on someone he had just met.

"That's the question you decide to ask? Out of all of the things you could say, you ask if I kissed your brother," I laughed, but he seemed legitimately serious. "Yes, Dean, we kissed. Are you going to kick me from the investigation now?"

"Far from it, actually," He gasped as he took off towards the dining area and all but ran to another book in the backpack Bobby brought. He flipped through the pages, briefly skimming the contents, before stopping on a page about three-fourths of the way through. "I think I know how to get Sam and everyone out of their coma." He walked over to the coffee table, and Bobby and Cas stood around the book. I slowly walked out and sat on the floor by the coffee table. "It's a long-shot, but what if the witch is like a fairytale thing?"

"What kind of bullshit are you going on about, Dean?" Bobby practically yelled at the stupidity of this new plan.

"Think about it, a witch that cannot burn." Dean pointed to a page in his dad's journal. "All of the witches he has seen could be burned."

"There is this one story that I used to read that had a witch and the only thing that could stop her was true love, but that wouldn't help us," I said with a shrug.

"I could be. Listen, all of the people that disappeared were couples. We can assume they kissed and she is summoned. The time you and Sam kiss, she sends him to sleep but not you."

"So what are you saying?" I could tell where this was going, but I did not like the sound of it. "I am not going to kiss Sam out of a coma. That's weird and awkward, no thanks."

"It may be our only option," Cas said in a monotone voice. 


That is where we are now; sneaking into the lakeside house to get to Sam. I watched her drag his body into the house. I saw her put him into one of the rooms, so I led the three boys into this cabin.

Upon entering, we were met with dozens of sleeping bodies. I nearly stepped on them as I made my way to the fourth bedroom on the left. The boys decided to stay out on guard while I kissed the sleeping beauty.

I walked in to see Sam haphazardly laid across the bed, and the witch slept in the chair by the window. I carefully walked towards Sam before turning him to lay on his back rather than his stomach.

"I'm sorry, Sammy. It's just as awkward for you as it is for me," I whispered into his ear, thinking he might be able to hear me. Taking a deep breath, I leaned down to connect our lips. His lips were cold and chapped, unlike the first time where they were warm and smooth. After a few seconds, I felt him kiss back weakly. I jumped away, thinking it was a fragment of my imagination, but his green-blue eyes met mine as soon as I pulled back. "Hi, Sammy."

"You kissed me to wake me up?" his raspy voice responded, walking up the old hag.

"No, this should not exist!" She shouted as she began to shrink. She continued yelling in agony until she was about the size of an ant before shouting, "True love is not real!" and dying.

"Maybe it is," Sam said as he grabbed my hand, and I pulled him into the hallway where the dozens of bodies had been laying. However, they were no longer laying but walking, confused, out the doors. Dean, Cas, and Bobby led some of the people who had been in the coma out where they called an ambulance to transport them.

"Did you trust me to wake you up, Sam?"

"Of course I did," he whispered as he cornered me between the wall and his body.

"What now?"

"I hope you would go on the road with us, maybe be my girlfriend?" I laughed before reaching up to place my hands on his cheeks and pulling him closer.

"I think I'd say yes."


Thanks for reading! Thank you for, hopefully, enjoying my work! Please vote, comment or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT make the gif. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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