RPF) Red Roses (J.F.)

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Red Roses (Joao Felix X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/FCB

Requested: Yee

Warnings: None

Summary: Red Roses (n): The most classic of them all, red roses symbolize passion and communicate love. They are the rose of romance and deep feelings, but can also relay desire, beauty, and harmony.

W.C. 1162


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You were always known for sharing your affections through gifts. Anytime you saw something that reminded you of someone or you wanted to express gratitude for someone, you bought them something. It took a while, but you eventually learned that it was your love language.

When you met your boyfriend, Joao, you presented him with a single wildflower because the brightness of it reminded you of his smile. You told him that, and he immediately responded by asking you out. Now, you were going on three years strong.

Every once in a while, he would come home to random wrapped gifts or a bouquet (look at me go) of carnations or daisies on the table with a note. Those two flowers always remind you of him, so you can never resist, you said one time. Sometimes you were awake when he got there, but sometimes you were asleep or busy. He never judged, but he always waited to open the gift or read the note until you were awake or home.

One day, he came back from an away game, and he was on cloud nine after the team won. It was the usual post-game feeling, he couldn't help it. When he pushed open the door to your shared house, the lights were off, and there was no one there.

Now, he would not worry normally, but whenever you had plans, you texted him as such just in case he came home early. That's the first red flag. Then he remembered telling you he would be back around this time, and you always try your best to be at the house when he comes home unless you have prior commitments. Even then, you communicate that with him. Red flag number two. Then, he goes into the kitchen, looking for the usual gift you leave for him, but there's nothing. Not to say he always expected something from you, but it was something he always came to look forward to, especially after an away game. Third red flag.

That's when he decided to call you. He pulled up your contact and immediately pressed call you. He could hear the ringing from inside the house. Your shared bedroom to be exact. Your phone was sitting on the bedside table, charging as it always is right before you go to bed. He double-checked around the house for you. The guest room, your office, the bathrooms, anything. He could not find you.

Now, he's convinced you're dead.

He runs down towards the front door, and that is when he notices a small light coming from the backyard. Of course, you were out there, he thought. Why didn't he think of that?

He gingerly opened the door to the back patio and there you were, standing and holding a bouget of red roses out for him. He slowly walked up to you, looking around at all of the lights you had set up in the couple of days he was out. When he reached you, he took the bouquet from your hands.

"You really got these for me?" Joao whispered as he held one of your hands in his that was not holding the flowers. "Were you just waiting out here while I had a heart attack inside?"

"I thought bringing you red roses would be romantic," You laughed, "and were you inside this whole time? I thought you said you'd be home around 7?"

"I did," He said, looking confused.

"It's still only 6," You trailed off. That's when he looked at his watch, and yes, he was early. You were not even expecting him yet, so that would explain why you were not in the house.

"Oh," he whispered to himself before changing the topic and pointing up at the twinkling lights, "Do you always sit outside when I'm gone? When did you set the lights up?"

"Only when I'm planning something," You trailed off again as you pulled away from Joao.

"Don't tell me the difference in flowers means you're breaking up with me," He gasped, dropping his hands and almost the flowers in the process. "Please, we can talk about this-"

"Maybe if you stopped overthinking everything and let me get to the punchline," You chuckled as you grabbed his hand again, but still kept a little bit of space between you two. "You would know I'm doing nothing of the sort."

"Oh, there's a punchline to this?" Joao let out a breath as a nervous smile enveloped his features.

"There is, but you need to trust me," You dragged out as you pulled away again. This time, he let you pull back with little resistance. "I need you to close your eyes."

"Is this where I get killed? Or is this where you bring out a dog?"

"If I answer either of those, I will spoil the surprise." He closed his eyes, but the look on his face was priceless. Guaranteed, he was thinking that he was getting a dog, but no. Well, maybe after this, but at this exact moment, no it's not a dog. "Keep them shut."

He closed his eyes tighter, if that was possible, while you ran off to the garden where you had some supplies for the surprise. You had not had the chance to get everything set up because he came early. You were sitting outside trying to figure out the layout, and just as you grabbed the flowers, he walked outside.

You grabbed the rose petals from the roses you had been growing and scattered them in a line leading to the center of the garden. You had everything ready there. The lights, the sign, and most importantly, the ring were there.

You were nervous, but you knew this was the next step. You were ready for it, so hopefully, he was too. You waited a minute, knowing he was impatient and would open his eyes without you even saying to. You expected this.

Joao opened his eyes and saw the flower petal trail. Were those there when he first came out, he thought, and where did you go? They say that curiosity killed the cat, and he followed the trail to the middle of your garden. It was your ongoing project, and you took pride in everything that you grew in it. From flowers to fruits and veggies, your garden has it all. He never really went in it as it was your domain, so he found himself in awe of everything as he followed the trail.

At the end of the trail, he did not notice you at first. He was too busy looking around, but when he finally saw you, he froze.

There you were, on your knee, holding a ring out for him with a light-up sign behind you.

"Will you marry me?" It read.

Needless to say, the roses were on the ground within a second as he ran to envelop you in a hug, whispering stings of "yes"s.


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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