RPF) Sober in Love (F.B.)

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Sober in Love (Frog Boys X Reader (Separate))

Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous

Requested: Yee (Part 3 to [Blank] in Love series)

Warnings: Talk of lasik recovery (Droid's). Language (Cunt in Grizzy's)

Summary: 'I love you's from the Frog Boys.

W.C. 1604 (about 400 words each)



It was cold

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It was cold. San Antonio winter was never that bad, but for some unknown reason, it decided to rage harder than normal this year. I had on one of Puffer's hoodies, sweatpants, and fuzzy socks, and I was under a thick blanket. Yet I was still freezing. I was going to have to take some drastic measures.

I would need to get out of my cocoon to find Puffer.

Thankfully, I did not have to wait long as Puffer walked out of his office and climbed into my mountain of blankets. I immediately buried my face in his chest since he was a literal heater. He just chuckled before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and rubbing my arms to generate heat while his attention turned toward the show I had playing on the TV.

My hands were still freezing, so with a smirk, I moved my hands under Puffer's hoodie and placed them flat on his back.

"Aye, woah!" He shouted, pushing me away. "You're hands are freezing!"

"Why do you think I put them on your back?" I asked as if it were obvious. He just looked at me in disbelief, keeping me an arm's width away. "Please? As my boyfriend, it is your responsibility to be my personal heater and right now you're doing a shitty job."

"Fine get over here," he sighed, pulling me back into his chest. I chuckled as I put my hands back under his hoodie and wrapped my legs around his waist, putting almost my entire body weight on him. He shook his head with a laugh before whispering, "You're lucky I love you."

"Awe, you love me?" I teased, looking up at him.

"Don't make me take it back," he threatened.

"You loving me or letting me put my cold hands up your shirt?"


"Well then, I was going to say I love you too, but I don't like how you threatened me," I joked as I slowly started to pull away.

"Oh shut up," He pressed, pulling me straight back to his chest as he held one of my arms, so I couldn't tear my hands out of his shirt.

"And I'm the clingy one?"

"And I'm the clingy one?"~~Pezzy

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