RPF) Take Me Home (P.A.)

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Take Me Home Pt. 1 (Paul Aron X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: Injuries

Summary: Paul's support is unwavering.

W.C. 2165


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Preparations for the Olympics started nearly a year ago at this point. It has been something you were preparing for your entire life when you started riding at 8 years old. You had grown up around horses, so when you expressed interest in show jumping, your parents started teaching you the reins, pun intended, once you were old enough.

You had just sent a text to Paul since he was getting ready to get in the car for free practice, saying that you wished him luck and you would text him after the session.

Unfortunately, you were not able to watch the session live because you had to tend to your horses, but you would watch the highlights after but before qualifying. It was always the same whenever the race was in Europe because the time zones weren't that far off, and you had a schedule to stick to. It just so happened to clash with Paul's.

Your normal routine was simple. You started off with petting all of your horses. Tofu was your baby American Quarter Horse, and she was still training. Hollister was your Holsteiner, and he was your current show horse. Lastly, you had Abercrombie, a Dutch Warmblood. She was your old lady. She was your first horse that you raised and trained by yourself, and now that she's retired, you have been treating her to the high life

You fed them and let them wander around their stables while you cleaned up their muck. Afterward, you chilled out for a minute and got some food for yourself before heading back out to start prepping the horses for riding.

You went into your tack room to grab Hollister's head collar and put it on him to start getting him ready for riding. You would normally ride Hollister for a bite before switching to train Tofu while Abercrombie roamed in a different pen.

Hollister was used to the routine at this point. You brushed out his tail and mane just so the knots were out. You used a rubber curry comb to get any loose dust and hair up. When you finished grooming him, you tacked him up.

You picked a saddle pad that coordinated with your riding attire before putting on the saddle and securing it. You did some brief stretching with Hollister before going out, stretching out his legs and getting yourself ready to go out.

Then, you walked down to the arena. You worked with some poles and tested his straightener and balance. Hollister still struggled a bit with sharp turns, so that was another thing you warmed up with. He was doing a great job, so that's when you decided to give him a break. You took him back to the stable and let him roam the field with Abercrombie while you saddled up Tofu.

Tofu was in the process of learning jumping, so that's what you focused on today. You warmed up Tofu the same way you did with Hollister before moving on to some light jumping. The poles were about a half meter up. It was where you started training Hollister and Abercrombie at. Plus, most of the levels you competed in started at a meter. This was the most efficient way without being too difficult for Tofu.

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