X-Men) You're Welcome. (S.S.)

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You're Welcome. (Scott Summers X Reader)

Fandom: X-Men/Marvel
Requested: Entry for @thisismysecrethapyplace's Share The Love Bingo. Square fille: Time Travel Do-Over.
W.C. 1706


As one of the newer students at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, You were pretty inexperienced

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As one of the newer students at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, You were pretty inexperienced. You realized you had a mutation during your chemistry class of all things.

You were working with the only person at school that you could stand, your boyfriend, Scott Summers, when the chemicals around the room started floating up and out of the beakers. Students began to scream as they were dangerous mixtures and that caused you to worry even though you didn't know it was you controlling it. That is when the gravity in the room fell apart with teenagers beginning to float, chemicals mixing in the air creating uncontained reactions, and lab equipment breaking against the ceiling and walls. All the while, you were standing completely unaffected by the change of gravity. Scott was holding onto the only stable table in the room, confused as to what phenomenon was happening. You didn't understand why it was happening to everyone but you which caused your breathing to quicken and objects around you spun wildly around the room.

At this point, the teacher contacted the principal and Charles Xavier as Scott tried to calm you down. When the three entered the lab, Scott had talked to you and calmed you down slightly, so the students were no longer spinning around the room. Charles had entered the room already hearing your thoughts, and he recognized you from a long time ago. Once the principal made his appearance known, all hell broke loose. Objects began hurling themselves around the room again, pipes from the sinks began to bust, windows began to shatter all the while you stood in the center. It took Charles taking control of your mind and knocking you out to get you to calm down.

After the horrific incident, you thought that you would never see the light of day again. Thankfully, Charles convinced the school board not to punish you as you only just realized the extent of your newly acquired mutation. This led to him enrolling you in his school to help control it. He helped me control my powers, and he even gave me a pen that also turns into a knife. He said it was a present and thought I would put more use to it.

A couple of months later, you were sitting by the front reading while other mutants were talking with friends and working on classwork. You had finished all of your work as you were the top of all of your classes, so you took this time to relax. That was the plan until someone knocked on the doors to the mansion. You looked around as you believe that it was in your head before it happened again, so you got up from the chair after marking your place and approaching the door.

When you opened the door, you half expected it to be some knife-wielding maniac here to kill you. You were surprised, to say the least when standing on the porch was Scott with a blindfold and another blonde standing behind him with his hand on Scott's shoulder.

"Hey, Scott," you said.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Alex, where are we?"

"Relax, Scott. I brought you to the mutant school I came to. Charles will know how to help with this," Alex, Scott's brother, you assumed, said. "Do you know where Charles or Professor X is?"

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