HP) Without You (HP)

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Without You (Harry Potter X Reader)

Fandom: Harry Potter

Requested: Yes by @JulzLovDraco4Eva on Wattpad

Warning: Half-death?

W.C. 1443


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You and Harry had only been together for a year, not much, but it was enough to form a bond. After finding out that Harry was a Horcrux in your sixth year, you were all devastated. You knew that Harry would ultimately die, so of course, you were upset. You did not want to continue the battle, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione helped you get your strength back.

During a battle in the Room of Requirements, you and Harry were chasing down Draco and his goons on your brooms. When the room burst into flames, you and Harry split up. What you did not see was Lucius trailing on your tail. As you went to turn around a burning pile of rubbish, your broom started to fail, and you crashed towards the ground. Just before hitting the ground, you were caught on someone else's broom, Lucius's broom. By the time you realized who had caught you, Lucius had already flown the two of you out of the room.

He took you to Malfoy Manor where you were tied and brought before He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Lord Voldemort sat at the head of the table with his followers sitting around him. He looked you up and down, immediately recognizing who you are.

"Ahh, (Y/N), glad to see you finally join us," Voldemort spoke with a slight smirk. "Finally come to your senses?"

"I will never become a death eater and I will never talk," you seethed as you attempted to pull your arms away from Lucius. Voldemort stood up, sensing your struggle, and threw a cruciatus curse at you. Screaming, you fell to the ground as Voldemort's followers laughed at your pain. "I will not break, Voldemort." He just laughed and had his fellow death eaters throw multiple curses at you.


Harry was freaking out. Ever since you two were split up in the Room of Requirements, he has not been able to find you. He had a feeling that something bad had happened to you, but he tried to push it away as he fought multiple members of the death eater army. He could not lose you. Hermione said that she saw Lucius apparate from Hogwarts with someone, but she did not get a clear view of who it was. She was the one that voiced the concern that you could be used as leverage to get to Harry.

If he was not afraid to face Voldemort, he was definitely scared now. He received a message from Voldemort saying that he had an offer, but Harry would have to meet death eaters in the forest, alone. Immediately believing you were endangered, he accepted and met the dark lord in the woods. When he arrived, he saw that he was surrounded. Narcissa Malfoy stood beside Voldemort with a tight grip on you.

"I'll do anything," Harry started, "just don't hurt her."

"Harry, no-" you tried but were hit by a cruciatus curse, causing you to fall to your knees.

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