RPF) A Ride Home (C.H.)

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A Ride Home (Corpse Husband X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous

Requested: Yee by @blazingmoonshine

Warnings: None

Summary: False promises and first meetings

W.C. 1118


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It was only supposed to be a small get-together with some of your internet friends. That's it. That was all you agreed to when Rae first brought it up.

"There will only be like five people there, I swear," She had said. Lies. "You'll know everyone there." More lies. "When have I ever steered you wrong?" Clearly, there was a first for everything, you thought.

You had no idea whose house you were at, and you don't know how this "small get-together" of five people turned into a full-blown party with nearly 50 people.

You decided to keep to yourself against a wall by the door. You wanted to make sure if Rae left, you would leave with her since she drove you, and you, once again, did not know where you were. Your phone had died long ago or else you would have navigated back to your apartment and walked, regardless of how far. You were nursing a cup of <em>something</em> as you sat on the floor against the wall, casually watching around at the people moving around the room. Anytime you would make eye contact, you immediately snapped your attention down to your drink as your hands shook with nerves.

"So much for relaxing," you chuckled to yourself as you downed the last of your drink. You sighed as you pushed yourself up and made your way to the kitchen to refill the cup. Just your luck, you walked into the kitchen that happened to be packed. In that group, Rae happened to be standing next to a tall man with curly hair. You wanted to go up to them, to tell Rae you wanted to leave, but you also did not want to interrupt their conversation or have the attention turned to you. You waited until the man started walking away before you grabbed Rae's arm and pulled her to the side, whisper-shouting, "You said a small get-together, not a full-blown frat party! I want out."

"I can't drive you home," She responded, clearly drunk which made you roll your eyes in annoyance. "But my friend, Corpse is going home! I can have him give you a ride home!"

"I would rather walk than get in some random guy's car, Rae, but thanks," You said, giving her a tight-lipped smile as you turned on your heels and walked toward the door.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Rae shouted over the music booming in the living room, causing a few people's attention to snap towards the two of you.

"Rae, shut up!" You seethed as you pulled her out the front door. "I don't appreciate the attention and I don't like the idea of getting into some random dude's car! That's how people get killed."

"Nonsense! Corpse is a close friend of mine," She explained, "Plus, he's harmless!"

"That's what they said about Ted Bundy," You deadpanned before deciding to sarcastically add, "And with a name like Corpse, I'm sure he wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Well, his name's not actually Corpse," Rae added as if it were no big deal, "I don't actually know his real name. That's just his gamer tag."

"Oh great! Even better! You don't even know the guy's name!" You replied in disbelief. "You can't be serious, Rae."

"My name's [redacted] if that makes you feel better," A deep voice from behind you interrupts, causing you to turn around to meet the tall man with curly hair from the kitchen. You were speechless. From far away, he was pretty, but up close, he was stunning. His eyes bore straight into yours and you lost all thoughts.

"Y/n," you said back, breathlessly, still in awe and slight embarrassment. In your shock, you did not notice Rae get dragged back into the house. The two of you did not really know where to start, so you spent the next few moments in silence. That was until Corpse cleared his throat.

"I hear you needed a ride home. If it's the same area I'm heading, I could drop you off," he offered.

"Thank you, but I'm on the outskirts of San Deigo. I'm probably out of your way," You admitted, dismissing his offer before starting to walk down the driveway.

"Actually, I'm in the outskirts, too," he stopped you, reaching for your arm but never grabbing it. "What are your cross streets?" You told him what they were and watched as his face turned from interest to shock. Once you two got the cross streets clarified, he led the way to his car and opened the passenger side for you. He pulled out of the neighborhood as you started making small talk. All was well until you mentioned that you lived in an apartment. "No way, are we in the same apartment building?"

"Mine is F213," you said, skeptically but also interested to know if you two were so close.

"Did you just move in like a month ago? I just got a new neighbor and I'm pretty sure that's the number," Corpse laughed as he pulled up to a stop light and looked over to see your eyes wide. "Ha, we're neighbors and we didn't even know!"

"First things first, don't rat me out if you hear things at 3 AM," you chuckled, pointing a finger at him but he gave you no mind as he continued to drive. "Rae pulls me in for random lobbies, and I might get a little heated sometimes."

"As long as you don't rat me out," He laughed in response. "Sometimes, I'm the one that makes those lobbies and pulls Rae into it."

You two continued chatting as he drove through the streets of California (almost getting killed by a few stupid drivers), even stopping at In n Out on the way back for dinner. You both found out that Rae told both of you it was going to be small, and you found out that Michael was the one who pulled everyone in. By the time Cropse pulled into the parking complex, you did not want the night to end. You decided to say something after you walked up the stairs and were just about to split off to go to your separate apartments.

"I had fun hanging out with you tonight, Corpse," You started. "You are funny and you are super easy to talk to. I hope we can do it again sometime."

"We don't have to end here," Corpse started. "I am supposed to play Party Animals with my friends Jack and Felix. We need four people, and our friend Dave back out earlier today. The spot's yours if you're up for it?"

"Count me in," you laughed, moving to unlock your door, ready to play.


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Till next time,


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