HP) Please Stop (RL)

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Please Stop (Remus Lupin X Potter!Reader)

Fandom: Harry Potter

Requested: Yes

Warning: Random thoughts and moist used once

W.C.: 1288

: 1288

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"When are they getting here?" I pestered my brother, only older by a few minutes. His friends, which included my boyfriend Remus, were coming over to spend most of the summer with us. A month of the holiday had already passed, and they stay until we go back to school in September. If you couldn't tell, I was excited to see my second brother and boyfriend. "When are they getting here?"

"Shut up, why don't you," He groaned. He received an owl the previous day saying they would be arriving earlier than they had planned, yet he did not tell me; I found it when I was emptying the trash. "They aren't supposed to be here for a week."

"No," I accused, jumping onto his bed. "I saw the owl they sent you yesterday. They are coming today!"

"I knew I should've flushed it," James mumbled. "Okay, yeah. They'll be here today, but I actually don't know when."

Almost as if they could hear us talking about them, a knock rang through the house. James and I looked at each other before racing to answer the door. He cheated by pushing me away from the stairs to get down them first, so he could greet his friends.

"Run before she hugs you to death," he whispered to them before I came rushing towards Sirius and Remus.

"I missed you guys!" I exclaimed between the two as I pulled them both into a hug.

"One of us more than the other, am I right?" Sirius joked, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and Remus puts his around my waist.

"Oh, definitely," I replied, sarcastically. Realizing that I hogged James's friends, I stepped back to let him greet them. "Ok, I'll let James hug you guys now."

"Wow, so generous," he said, throwing a playful glare at me before dragging his friends into the house. "Come on, boys. We've got mischief to cause."

"Hey, what about my boyfriend? Don't I get to spend time with him, too?" I pouted, jokingly. James just rolled his eyes as Remus walked over to me, giving me a hug and light peck on the cheek before following after James and Sirius.

"You'll have enough time to spend with him when he sleeps in your room for the next two months," James threw back as they went up the stairs.

"Mom's letting him stay in my room? Since when?" I shouted in disbelief. Our mother had always been strict on who was allowed in our rooms, and boys in my room were a big no-no. The fact that she was letting my boyfriend sleep in my room, willingly, was shocking. "Not complaining, but seriously?"

"If you don't shout it loud enough for her to hear," he whispered harshly, "what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Be glad my room is too small to fit two extra beds."

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