PB) We've Got Work to Do (F.S.)

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We've Got Work to Do (Finn Shelby X Reader)

Fandom: Peaky Blinders

Requested: Yes

Warnings: Fem-Reader, language, reader is called a whore, runaways

Summary: Finn and the reader run away from Small Heath, but some family business brings them back. What will the family think?

W.C. 1341


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It was the eve of my eighteenth birthday. My boyfriend of four years took me out to meet his brothers at the Garrison which did not go well. I heard Finn's brothers call me unspeakable names, and they told him that I was just another whore who used him for his money. I know this is untrue, and he knows it's untrue, but it still hurt that this was their first impression of me. I left the Garrison without hearing from any of them because if they did not approve of our relationship, there was no way we would be able to continue.

I was laying in my room, crying and thinking that my relationship was over. That is until a knock from my window caught my attention. It was difficult to see through the uncleaned window and heavy rainfall, but I could still make out the figure of Finn. "What the hell are you doing? You're going to get sick!" I lectured, pulling him into my room. "You are freezing, Finn!"

"I had to see you. You need to know that they hate everyone's girls," he explained, walking more into the room. "They say every one of 'em is a traitor. But I don't care what they think!"

"Finn, I do. They're your family," I said as I moved to take his soaking clothes off and replace them with spares he left at my house. "Their opinion matters to me."

"Well, it doesn't to me," he stated, leaving no room for debate, as he changed his clothes. "I've got a wicked idea."

"I'm listening," I laughed as I helped him button his shirt.

"What if we left?"

"I'm sorry?"

"We are eighteen. We can do whatever we want," He explained. "I'll quit the business, and we'll go away. We don't have to stay here."

"Where would we go?"

"Wherever you want. Anywhere in the world."

"I like the sound of America."

That was the night we left Small Heath without a trace. We were on the first boat out of Birmingham and made it to America the next morning.

We started in New York. We started for a week or so, but it was too flashy. Then we decided to move West. We stayed in all types of places until we reached Santa Fe. It was a place I had heard nothing of, and it was secluded. No gangs, no illegal business, and no judgment.

We decided to build our own life here. We were free. Free to be us without having to worry anymore.


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