RPF) Passenger Princess Pt. 2 (A.L.)

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Passenger Princess Pt. 2 (Arvid Lindblad  X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: Aged up Arvid

Summary: Maybe Arvid's "secret girlfriend" is a good luck charm.

W.C. 909

!! A/N Side note !! I am running out of chapters in this book, so I started another one! It is literally called Random Oneshots 2, and it is up on my account. It will follow the same upload schedule as this one. Please, don't forget to head over there as this book will be ending soon.

Thank you <3

Thank you <3

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It was her first race. She had a general idea of what to expect, but this was so much more than she ever could have imagined for Arvid. When he won the sprint, she was over the moon! Her first race attending with Arvid, and he wins? Hell yeah! She knew that the feature race would be harder since he was starting down in tenth place, but she jokingly told him that if anyone could do it, he could. Then, he won the feature. To say she was ecstatic was an understatement.

She ran out of the garage with the rest of the Prema team to Parc Ferme and straight up to the gate where Arvid would pull up behind the first-place slot. She was pushed up against the barriers by the team and she knew he would run and jump into his team. Well, she wasn't exactly prepared to be almost knocked over by him when he jumped over the gate almost entirely on top of her. Thankfully, the team caught him and tried their best to redistribute the weight.

"Hey don't crush our good luck charm!" Rene chuckled as he pulled her over to not be completely covered by Arvid's body. "We need her in Hungary!"

"Woah woah!" She interrupted in protest when all of the team erupted in agreement, "I didn't say I was doing a world tour! I still have school!" She felt her face grow hot under the newfound attention from the team. The team quieted down as they all looked at her, letting Arvid stand on his own, so he could wrap his arms around her separately. She felt like she was under a spotlight as she turned into his chest before whispering, "I just came for his home race."

"She is our good luck charm," Arvid chuckled, looking down at her as she hid further into his chest as she shivered. From more attention or the weather, he didn't know. He wrapped his arms around her tighter as he ran a hand along her arm to help her heat up as he turned to look back at his team. "She has her studies though. I'm sure she'll make an appearance another time this season. We still have plenty of races, and I'd rather save her charm for races we need the luck in."

"I second that," Dino said as he came up to the group after he parked his car and got weighed in. "Maybe next time, I can get some better luck!"

"I make no promises," She mumbled before pulling away from Arvid so he could go up for the podium celebration. She gave him a brief kiss before he was ushered away, and she split off with the rest of the team towards the podium. She stood beside Dino, Gabriele, Sebastian, Luke Laurens, Tim, and the rest of the team as they all cheered when their friends walked out. When Arvid came out, she threw everything out the window as she screamed to her heart's content. She shouted with a laugh at the end, "That's my boyfriend!"

The rest of the boys around her join in with similar shouts about Arvid being her's or they were claiming Arvid as their friend. As soon as he was announced, they all started in it together, causing Arvid to look straight at them and laugh. He blew a kiss to his girlfriend as he tripped on his way up to the top step, smiling sheepishly before taking his hat off for his anthem. Arvid stood proudly on the top step in front of his people for the second time this weekend as he muttered the lyrics of his national anthem.

Toward the end, he looked down at his friends, his team, and most importantly, his good luck charm. His girlfriend, who was already looking up at him with tears in her eyes, stood with the rest of the crowd, staring up at him with so much endearment and love. She was beyond proud of him every week, but this was a different feeling for both of them.

After the podium celebrations and after pictures were taken, he ran down the stairs. There she was, waiting for him right off the side with her arms open. Arvid did not hesitate as he immediately handed his trophy and leftover champagne to his engineer as he ran into her arms. He swung her around a couple of times before gently setting her back down and just sawed with her as he buried his face in her neck.

"I'm so proud of you," She said softly as she planted a kiss below his ear. She pressed her hands more against his shoulders. "You drove amazingly this weekend. Maybe I'll let you drive Baby."

"You'd let me drive Baby?" Arvid gasped, pulling away slightly to look at her. Her face held a level of seriousness that Arvid decided to snatch up. "I'm driving us to celebrate tonight."

"Works for me, but if you're drinking, I'll drive us home," She chuckled as Arvid turned out to lead them toward the car park. She pulled out the chain-filled keys to her beloved Honda Civic from her pocket before holding them out to him with a mock sigh, "I guess you'll need these."

"I'm breaking so many laws," He mumbled as he ran off to the driver's side, completely leaving her in the dust.

"Hey! Where is my passenger princess treatment?"


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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