X-Men) Do Not Test Me, Maximoff. (P.M.)

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Do Not Test Me, Maximoff. (Peter Maximoff X Reader)

Fandom: Marvel/X-Men

Requested: Nope

Warnings: Psychokinesis is practically telekinesis.

W.C. 2265


"I said don't do anything I wouldn't do

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"I said don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"I took that as a challenge. Plus, you can't be mad at me because you would have done the same thing, Silver Boy." I had beaten my boyfriend, Peter's, PacMan high score. Needless to say, he was pretty livid. Not at me, more on the fact that I was able to beat his score. "You always beat me in my games, and for once, I can say that I beat the 'great' Quicksilver in his most prised game."

"You are so lucky that I love you," he said as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He turned me around to face him using his super-speed and kissed my nose before my lips. He moved us over to the small couch that was in his room/basement with his speed, and he hovered over me before leaning into my ear. "I'm so glad we don't have a mission. Finally, a day off just for us, especially on our anniversary."

"You are going to jinx us, Peter. We are still technically 'on-call' as Professor Xavier put it." He cringed when I brought up our teacher. He groaned, and laid on top of me, seemingly trapping me between his body and the couch. I laughed at him before using my psychokinesis to lift him off of me and onto the floor as I got up, and ran up the stairs and out to the front yard with Peter following, running at normal human speed. We ran a few laps around the tree in the yard before I began to climb the tree. Peter laughed at me before following suit. Once we got to the top, we sat on a strong branch. Peter leaned against the trunk with me sitting between his legs with his arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist.

"You run slow, I want you to know that." He rested his head on my shoulder while looking at my face.

"You want me to start teleporting on you? I will, do not test me, Maximoff," I turned to look at him before kissing him again. We pulled apart when I heard a car coming down the block and not too long after, I heard Charles's voice.

"Lovebirds, we have a mission. Be aware that this one is dangerous, you two," rang in our heads. The two of us rolled our eyes as I grabbed onto Peter, so he could get us down quickly and take us to the site.

"On our way, Charlie. Where are we going?" I telepathically responded.

"The dump off of the I202, east side, past the underpass. Also, what did I tell you about calling me Charlie, (Y/N)?"

"'It is not professional to refer to your teacher by their first name,' Sorry Professor X," I replied sarcastically. "You've already told me three thousand times, X."

We made it to the site in less than ten seconds, a new record for Peter, and we spotted Scott and Jean over by the building. They already had their mission suits on and were already kicking Apocalypse's ass. Instead of getting our own mission suits on, we jumped into action immediately. Peter dropped me off by Scott before taking off towards Erik and Pyro.

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