Old Time Friend

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Living with Sanzu Haruchiyo wasn't exactly something that excited you

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Living with Sanzu Haruchiyo wasn't exactly something that excited you. When he first asked you to be his assistant, you were hesitant but you couldn't say no, after all you did owe him for something back when you guys were in middle school. You didn't know that by 'assistant' he meant someone who would live with him to cook and clean for him. Of course you also did assistant things like looking over his schedule, getting intel on enemies to report back to him, and just overall anything he needed.

He is Bonten's 2nd executive, meaning he doesn't exactly have time to do things like cook or clean or keep up with things so you kind of felt for him especially because he would always be with his boss Mikey, doing anything and everything Mikey orders him to do, plus he was paying you to cook and clean AND you did get to stay in a luxurious apartment on the top floor of the building, so it wasn't all too bad.

There were downsides though, i mean other than cleaning up after the 27 year old (which is kinda pathetic if you really think about it) but judging the circumstances, he had no time. Though he did have time to bring prostitutes back to the apartment and you couldn't really say anything since if he kicked you out you wouldn't have anywhere to go on such a short notice, so you've learned to deal with it.

Luckily he would turn the music up high in his room to try and drown out any noises since he didn't want to make you too uncomfortable. Another downside was his drug addiction, it would make you a bit sad to see him consume many substances because it was like watching him slowly kill himself, but you couldn't stop it.

You were busy fixing dinner. The clock read 7 meaning Sanzu should maybe be home soon. By the time 7:30 hit, you heard keys unlocking the door meaning Sanzu was back. You waited until he finished unlocking the door, hoping he hadn't brought a girl back home. The door opens revealing a tired Sanzu.... alone at that making you internally smile. He takes his shoes off at the entrance then walks over to the kitchen where you were, stretching his arms up and yawning.

"Yo y/n, what're you making for dinner?" he asks you as he sits at the island in the middle of the kitchen, resting his cheek against the palm of his hand gazing at you with lazy eyes. "Shrimp tempura" is all you say back, not looking at him, trying to finish up so you both can eat. "Hmmmm" is his only response back. You hear him yawn once more.

"Busy day today?" you ask him while setting down plates for you and him. He nods. "It felt very long, plus I didn't get much sleep last night." he responds while carefully watching you put food on his plate. "Maybe if you hadn't stayed up all night with that girl you could've gotten some decent sleep." you retort back, sitting down at the seat next to him at the island after placing your own food onto your plate.

He laughs a little while letting out a small sigh. "What can I say, she wouldn't stop begging me for more, and who am I to deny one of my favorite whores?" he says and although you were focused on eating your food, you knew he had that stupid little smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes. "i'm eating stop talking about your experience from last night." you say shoving rice into your mouth. He lets out another chuckle.

"Awe y/n if your jealous there's no need to be, just say the word and I can make you feel good too." he leans towards your ear and says. You shove him a little, cringing slightly after feeling his breath on your ear. You hated when he teased you like this. You got up and put your plate into the sink, grabbing his as well since he was finished. "I'm not jealous nor will I ever be Haruchiyo" you say finally looking up at him. His chin rested in his palm as he stares at you with a slight smirk. He shrugs and hops off of his chair. "I'm just saying, after the meals you make you deserve something in return."

"Higher pay?" you say teasing a bit while washing up the dishes. There's no response but you feel him creep up behind you. He takes his index finger and places it underneath your chin, forcing you to look at him. "I meant pleasure wise babe." he replies only earning an eye roll from you. He turns around and laughs. "Anyways, thanks for the meal y/n" he calls out, walking towards his bedroom.

You sigh while finishing up in the kitchen. When your done you head to your own bedroom yourself. You lock your bedroom door then strip to go take a shower in the bathroom in your room. Once you finish in the shower you head back out to your room to dry off. As your drying off though, you hear your name get called. You ignore it, but the yelling continuous. You sigh out of frustration, wrapping your towel back around you.

You walk towards where the yelling was coming from which was of course Sanzu's bedroom. You open the door saying "What?" in an obviously annoyed tone. There you see Sanzu still dressed in his work clothes, plopped down stomach first on the side of his bed. His eyes flutter open again only to find the sight of you in only a towel, still dripping wet. "Oh I didn't know you were showering." he says eyeing you up and down. "What do you want perv?" you say agitated. "Oh yeah, I'll be home late tomorrow don't worry about cooking me anything or waiting up for me." he tells you.

"Is that all?" you ask wanting to get changed and away from his wandering eyes. He inhaled and nods closing his eyes once more. You turn around to head out but you get stopped. "Y/n?" he says and you turn only your head to look at him, his eyes still closed, "Thanks for everything." he says right before you hear him snore.

You shut his light off and exit the room making your way back to your room in hopes of falling asleep just as easily as he had.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now