New feelings

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Sanzu was back in work as it was a Monday

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Sanzu was back in work as it was a Monday. The friendly and caring Sanzu from yesterday at the beach now turned back into the malicious blood hungry maniac he was known as at work.

Sanzu At Work:

Something was wrong with the pink haired man. He was off today and everyone could sense it. "Sanzu what's up with you? Your eyes didn't light up earlier when you killed that one guy." Kakucho, another member of Bonten asks staring up at Sanzu from his seat, chuckling a bit at his own words. Sanzu rolls his eyes. "Shut your mouth i'm fine." Sanzu side eyes Kakucho. "Jeez take a chill pill, when's the last time you got laid?" Kakucho asks as he now loads bullets into a gun.

"Hm you know, i'll do exactly that." Sanzu gives a fake smile to Kakucho as he pulls a couple pills from his pocket, swallowing them effortlessly and groaning afterwards. "Also it has been a while since I brought a girl home I suppose...." Sanzu thinks to himself, the days just sort of blurring together for him. Kakucho stands up handing the newly loaded gun to Sanzu. "Well just try to stay focused, don't wanna make Mikey mad either." He walks away with his hands in his pockets then looks back at Sanzu. "Oh, and don't forget to properly dispose of the body." Kakucho speaks turning his head back and soon disappearing from Sanzu's sight.

Sanzu sighs and goes to walk over to the room one of the hostages is in. They still hadn't found the gang that tried to kill one of their executives, he even had you try to find any information since after all you still are his assistant. Suddenly he hears footsteps behind him. "You need to get your head right, you almost shot one of our guys instead of the target earlier because you were unfocused." Sanzu turns around, seeing that the voice belonged to Kokonoi.

Sanzu clenched his jaw, a sudden wave of annoyance washing over him as soon as he spotted Kokonoi. "I got it just leave me alone." he tells Kokonoi, giving him a dirty glance. Kokonoi walks closer to the pink haired man, almost as if he's testing him. "What's your problem lately? You know when I gave y/n back her car that night, her face was red and puffy.... she wasn't like that when she left the club and you were the only one around her, why'd you make her cry?" Kokonoi asks but as soon as he does Sanzu pockets the gun in his hand and places a tight grip on Kokonoi's collar, pushing him against the wall.

"Don't say her name, and don't bring up that night." Sanzu says sternly, this only makes Kokonoi smile though. "Why does she live with you anyways? I felt bad leaving her that night with you, I almost asked her to come back to my place." At that sentence Sanzu's blood starts to boil. What would've happened if y/n did go back to his place? In the moment, Sanzu wanted to punch the smug look off of Kokonoi's face, but then he remembered how happy you looked talking about Koko, if he punched him, he would've made you upset again.

Sanzu let's go of Kokonoi and turns his head to the side. "Listen whatever you do, don't hurt y/n. And just remember-" Sanzu says as he then turns his head to look back at Kokonoi. "If you hurt her i'll break every single one of your limbs and give you the most painful death anyone's ever experienced." Sanzu tells Kokonoi, internally smiling at the fear on the lighter haired mans face. Sanzu turns to walk away, stopping to say one more thing.

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