Step By Step

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You and Sanzu walked into the prison Kokonoi was being held in, heading to the front desk first to fill out visitation forms

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You and Sanzu walked into the prison Kokonoi was being held in, heading to the front desk first to fill out visitation forms. A guard led you both to the visitation room, you both sat at a table waiting for them to bring Kokonoi in.

A few minutes later the same guard was pushing Kokonoi through the door, cuffs on his hands. He was wearing a white tank top and his uniform bottoms. The guard un-cuffs him as he stares you two down, giving you both a dirty look, Sanzu giving him the death stare. Once he's out of his handcuffs he strolls over to the both of you with his hands in his pockets, he stands in front of the table as he stares down at the both of you.

"The fuck are you two doing here, especially you Y/n, thought Mikey got you." You roll your eyes, returning his gaze. "We need to talk, sit down." You demand and Kokonoi chuckles. "I don't have shit to talk about with you two." He says with an attitude. "Stop being a little bitch and sit down this won't even take long." Sanzu now speaks clearly annoyed, Kokonoi's gaze shifts to his now.

"What's in it for me?" Kokonoi asks, a smirk on his face. You sigh, standing up, your hands resting on the table as you lean forward. "We need your help, is that good enough? Is me confessing to needing your help good enough? Does it feed your ego?" You question him, annoyance in your tone. He places his hands on the table now too, leaning forward just as you did. "I'll help you for a price, got any money on you doll?" He leans closer to your face, his eyes narrowing a bit as his smirk was still apparent on his face.

"I'll shoot your brains out if you don't back away from her Hajime." Sanzu says nonchalantly, Kokonoi's eyes shifting from yours to Sanzu's at the use of his first name. "Whatever, make this quick." He says rolling his eyes and pulling away from your face as he plops down on the seat below, you sit down as well.

"Okay, so.... did you and Mikey have any backup plans? You know just incase your plan failed, which it obviously did." You ask leaning forward, Kokonoi looking at you with a confused expression. "No? I mean he never knew i'd go after Sanzu but he never intended to fail with killing you, our meetings were brisk." He says resting his forearms on the table, leaning forward as well.

"So Mikey never said anything about anywhere he'd go if something went wrong? A hideout or some shit?" Sanzu speaks up, a bored expression on his face. "Again no, plus you were closer to him than I was so if anything, you should know of any 'hideouts' Mikey would run to incase of an emergency." Sanzu groans, knowing Kokonoi had a point. "Why are you guys even asking all of this crap anyways?" Kokonoi asks.

"Mikey's run off, probably heard about you getting caught and Y/n being alive so he decided to disappear." Kokonoi hums in response, a delighted expression on his face after finding out Mikey at least got away. "Well, can't help you there, dunno why you'd think i'd help you two in the first place.... Y/n maybe, but definitely not you Haru, you got me 10 years in this dump for attempted manslaughter." He fires back with Sanzu's first name now, Sanzu's eyes narrowing. "Not my fault you suck at keeping a girl AND killing someone." Sanzu smirks as he stares directly into Kokonoi's eyes, Kokonoi frowning.

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