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The next morning when you woke up you had a killer headache

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The next morning when you woke up you had a killer headache. "Fuck" you groan holding your head. You feel a wave of nausea wash over you as you run to your bathroom. "I'm never drinking again." you lie to yourself knowing you would eventually drink again. You stay kneeled down on the ground for about 10 minutes before you decide to get up, brush your teeth, change out of the outfit you wore to the club that you fell asleep in, and find breakfast.

When you walk out of your room, you spot a shirtless Sanzu in the kitchen in the refrigerator, the only article of clothing on him is his pajama pants. You freeze and try backing away back into your bedroom as he was busy looking inside the fridge not focused on you, seeing him refreshed your memory of last night. Shit I forgot today's Sunday and he's off you mentally curse.

You reach your door and right as you grab the handle you hear the refrigerator door shut. "Y/n." the male speaks. Dammit. You slowly turn around to face him. He goes to open his mouth but then you put your index finger up, speed walking to the bathroom again. When you got to the bathroom you once again kneeled down over the toilet.

Suddenly you feel a hand grasp your hair pulling it away from your face, you pay it no mind though since your busy at the moment. Once you've finished you look up to Sanzu standing over you. Why is he being so nice? You think as you get up brushing your teeth again. Sanzu remains behind you, not saying a word.

"What do you want Sanzu?" you finally ask him looking into the mirror at him. Again with my last name Sanzu thinks to himself. "I ordered us breakfast.... didn't think you'd want to drive anywhere right now." he says clearing his throat, leaning against the wall while crossing his arms. You turn around to face him, leaning against the bathroom vanity, mirroring his actions of crossing your arms. "Your right I don't, but why would I want to eat breakfast with you?" you ask with a stoic expression on your face.

He sighs and leans his head back against the wall, staring at the ceiling. "Look you know i'm not very good with apologies, just come eat breakfast with me so we could talk." he says now making eye contact with you. You think for a moment, pondering what to say next. "Say please." you say staring blankly at him, you knew he didn't say please very easily, so if he did say it now he genuinely wanted to talk it out with you. Once again he sighs, staring at you for a moment. "Please y/n." he finally says causing your eyes to widen a bit. You say nothing as you walk out of the bathroom, shutting the light off on him and head to the kitchen.

Sanzu follows after you, both of you taking your usual seats at the island in the kitchen. He ordered your favorite breakfast foods and ordered himself bacon, toast, sausages, eggs, and an orange juice. After eating for a few minutes in silence Sanzu finally speaks up. "Listen I know I said some very fucked up shit last night, but so did you." he speaks and you can feel his eyes on you as you now poke at your food, slouching in your chair. "I only said what I said last night because I was pissed at you, I know it was a shitty thing for me to do but I wasn't just going to let your disrespect me like that Sanzu." You speak sitting up now and staring at him.

Sanzu exhales, poking at his egg making the yolk run into the rest of his food. "Remember when we were kids.... and one winter I built you that huge slide made of snow and then after that you'd come to me every winter after asking me to build you that same slide." he laughed a little still staring at his food. "Why are you bringing that up?" you ask confused on the sudden topic. "Or how you'd rant to me about a new crush you had and i wouldn't say anything but listen." he says not answering your question. You don't say anything but return to eating your food.

"We were close in elementary... then in middle school after I started following Mikey and getting involved with Toman we grew apart." he suddenly frowns looking over at you now. "Then the incident happened..... " his face suddenly turns dark as his grip tightens on his fork. You remember exactly what he's talking about, the main reason your staying with him now because you felt you owed him for saving you from that situation.

You look away from him as the memory flashes back into your mind. "I made you feel like how you felt in that moment last night.... I made you feel scared and helpless, just as how you felt that day when you were in middle school, didn't I?" he says going to inch his hand to grab yours until he suddenly retracts his hand. You don't say anything, not really knowing how to react. "I feel like shit doing that.... truth is I stepped out of line in the first place then made the situation worse, sometimes I don't know how to stop..." You can hear a hint of sadness in his voice.

You look at him now to see him staring at his food. You stare at the scars at his lips. He never liked them. He used to wear a mask that was given to him although he wasn't sure if it was to protect him from others judgement, or simply because the people he would hang around with just didn't want to look at them. You appreciated the fact that he wanted to talk about last night, and you could tell he was genuine with what he was saying.

"Haruchiyo." you speak causing his eyes to go wide as he perks up to look at you, you were back to saying his first name again. "I think of you as a really good friend, a best friend even. We've known each other for so long and you've been good to me... last night was the only time you've wronged me to the point where the situation got dangerous, and I could tell you truly feel bad so i'm willing to forgive you." you say smiling at him. Maybe you forgave him too easily, but it really was the only time where he's inflicted his more dangerous side on you, if it happened again you weren't going to forgive him so easily, and you definitely would not forget last nights events.

He smiles a genuine smile like a wave of relief has washed over him. "Thank you y/n.... most times it feels like I don't deserve you honestly, I can't understand how you put up with me". You loved seeing this side of Sanzu, the caring gentle side of him... or maybe you just loved that you knew no one else got to see this side of him except for you. You both finished up breakfast while recalling moments from your childhoods and moments you spent together during it.

After breakfast you were cleaning up dishes as Sanzu remained at his spot at the island fiddling with his phone. Suddenly your own phone goes off. "Who is it?" You ask Sanzu looking over your shoulder as you finished up the dishes. He looks over at your phone, an unsaved contact had texted you, he feels like he's seen the number before though. He stares at the number for a while until you come over grabbing your phone and opening it to read the text.

Unknown Number:

Hey it's Koko, the one who drove your car home for you last night.

You smile at the text causing Sanzu to raise an eyebrow. "Who is it?" he asks trying to look over at your phone causing you to pull the phone away from his sight.

Of course how could I forget, hope it was a smooth ride :) Thank you again for that

Koko :p
No problem it was my pleasure, and yes it was a very smooth ride, almost kept it for myself haha

You smile at his texts as you continue to text back and forth with him. Suddenly your phone is snatched from your grip as you look to see Sanzu holding it reading the texts you were smiling at. "Haru give it back!" you say trying to get your phone back as he holds it farther away from you. "Kokonoi huh?" he says with a dark tone and you stop for a second. "Why'd you say it like that." you laugh a little but his face remains stoic. "Haruchiyo." you say trying to get his attention as he just stares at your phone. "Hm? No reason." he finally responds tossing your phone back to you and you fumble a bit to catch it. He places his hands in his pajama pants pockets and starts walking over to his room as you just watch him. He glances back at you "Thanks again y/n." he says smiling but you could tell something was wrong. He disappears into his bedroom leaving you in confusion.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now