Newfound Joy

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You've been in the hospital for a few more days now after waking up, tomorrow you'd go home since everything was looking fine, of course you'd have to get checkups for your wounds and take antibiotics but that was pretty much it

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You've been in the hospital for a few more days now after waking up, tomorrow you'd go home since everything was looking fine, of course you'd have to get checkups for your wounds and take antibiotics but that was pretty much it.

You and Sanzu had been trying to figure out some type of plan for finding Mikey, that's what you've mostly been doing, along with the occasional visits from the others to which Sanzu wouldn't interfere with. He explained how he knew all of your friends, it must've been a bit awkward for them all to see him again but you were hoping sometime in the future he could become cool with them. Sanzu was planning to have you meet another person he worked with, Kakucho Hitto. "He could help us, him and the Haitani's." Is what he told you.

You were sitting in the hospital cafeteria with Sanzu, brainstorming ideas when a man with a middle part walks up to your table, a scar going across his left eye. "Ah, Y/n this is Bonten's number 3, Kakucho Hitto, just call him Kaku." You smile at the man who was now taking a seat next to Sanzu. "Nice to meet you." You say, he smiles. "Likewise." Sanzu clears his throat before speaking. "Okay, so obviously Mikey is nowhere to be found, so how do we go about this?" Sanzu asks making you and Kakucho think for a moment.

"Well, do you think Kokonoi would know where he'd be? I mean after all they were working together with this whole thing." Kakucho speaks and Sanzu shakes his head. "No I don't think so, he said Mikey was gonna use a scapegoat for the situation with Y/n but since his plan backfired I don't think he ended up finding someone to take the blame which led to him making a last minute decision to run away, and Kokonoi now being locked up most likely wouldn't know where he is either." Sanzu props his elbows on the table, resting his head in his hands.

"Yeah but we could still try right? Maybe they discussed plans incase anything went wrong... including where Mikey would go to hideout." You speak, the two men looking at you. Sanzu shrugs, taking your words into consideration. "We could try, i'm not sure if we'll find anything out but it's worth a shot. We can go tomorrow after you get discharged if you want?" You nod at Sanzu's words. "You should get the Haitani's on board too, they know a lot of people so i'm sure they could set up connections." Kakucho says to Sanzu who nods.

"I'll call them later, we can all meet up either before or after meeting Kokonoi tomorrow to discuss more." Sanzu stands, both you and Kakucho following after. You and Sanzu say your goodbyes to Kakucho before Sanzu turns to you. "Hey, wanna go for a walk?"

You both ended up going for a walk in the hospitals garden. You admired the orchids and tulips that surrounded the both of you as you walked in a comfortable silence, both of you holding hands. His eye bags were getting a little better, still visible but not super bad anymore. "Y/n." He says suddenly, you turn your attention away from the flowers and look at him, he was looking forward not facing you. "I don't know how this whole thing will turn out, but i'll protect you. I'll take a bullet... fuck that i'll take multiple bullets for you if I have to." He tells you with a serious tone.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now