Plans and Measurements

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"So that's why your on crutches

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"So that's why your on crutches." Kokonoi nods. "So Sanzu betrayed his own.... for a girl?" Mikey asks, the night breeze blowing through his hair. "He'd do anything for her.... we need to take action Mikey." Kokonoi shifts his weight a little, the crutches starting to become uncomfortable. "I already have." Kokonoi's eyes widen a bit. "What do you mean?" "That girl.... you said her name was Y/n? I already talked with her, although i'm not sure she'll listen to me." Kokonoi moves towards Mikey, the sound of the crutches echoing on the pavement.

"She won't listen.... I can help you Mikey, we can take care of them-" "I only want her gone, we aren't killing Sanzu." Mikey gives Kokonoi a stern look. "Then I can help you get rid of Y/n.... I don't exactly hold a grudge on her, so I don't want to kill her myself but I can help you. Either way I guess we'll both get what we want, you'll get your wish granted of Y/n being dead, and i'll get mine granted.... Sanzu will know the pain of loosing the one you love." Kokonoi smirks, knowing what he's saying isn't exactly truthful.

Mikey takes a breath in, thinking for a moment. "In exactly a week, we'll kill Y/n, i'll do the actual killing." Mikey declares, a malicious grin now lay on Kokonoi's face. "Exactly a week, i'll help you out before then... I know some of the places she hangs out at, she goes to that local pet shop often. I'll give you more details leading up to then." Mikey nods, both him and Kokonoi then parting ways.

Kokonoi didn't really care about killing you, it was Sanzu he was after. His plan was still to help Mikey with killing you, but while that was happening, Kokonoi planned to kill Sanzu. He knew Mikey wouldn't be on board with killing Sanzu, so he had to take matters into his own hands. He couldn't wait, he'd finally get his revenge.

In exactly a week, Y/n L/n and Haruchiyo Sanzu would be dead.

"Say hello to Akane for me, Y/n.... i'm sure you'll love her."

That night in bed, you tossed and turned. Worry sinking into your mind, you had a very bad feeling about something, you just weren't sure what it was. You stood up from your bed groaning and walking over to leave your room. You opened Sanzu's bedroom door and although his light was off as well, it seemed he couldn't sleep either. "What's wrong?" He asked you peeking over at your figure in the doorway. You walked over to the other side of his bed and crawled up next to him.

You laid down facing him as you both got underneath the covers. "Couldn't sleep." you shrug and sigh, Sanzu's hand reaches up to gently stroke your face. "Yeah.... neither could I." He sighs, obviously tired. "Something feels strange.... doesn't it? Maybe i'm just tired I don't know." He speaks in almost a whisper. "No your right.... unless i'm just tired too." You laugh a little. "Maybe we're both just tired, we've both had long days and maybe the lack of sleep from last night is catching up to us." He chuckles as you chuckle as well. "Your right, let's get some sleep, goodnight Haru." "Goodnight beautiful."

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now