Baby I'm Yours

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You and Sanzu continued to drive, it was already nightfall

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You and Sanzu continued to drive, it was already nightfall. You had a playlist shuffled, a playlist both you and Sanzu shared. The next song to play was an Arctic Monkeys song titled "Baby I'm Yours" which was a song you loved as it reminded you of Sanzu. Sanzu perked up, lip syncing the lyrics to you as he also tried focusing on the road.

You laughed at him as he continued through the rest of the song, though you had to warn him once or twice about paying attention ahead. "I love that song." He smiled, a new song playing now. "Me too, it reminds me of you." You tell him, Sanzu nodding. "It reminds me of you too, i'd honestly recite the lyrics to you everyday." He replies earnestly.

There was a bit of silence, you couldn't get earlier events off of your mind. He said he wouldn't bring Ami around anymore.... but by the way she looked at you that one night, you knew she'd definitely be mad to hear she can't come over anymore. You didn't really care what she thought, but maybe you were paranoid that she'd find you in public and do something about it... like Mikey had done.

You thought about carrying protection just in case, just to be safe. "What's wrong my love?" You hear Sanzu ask, your attention back to him. It started to rain, pretty hard at that. "Is it Ami again?" It was like he read your mind. "Yeah, just wondering how she'll react to everything I guess." You yawn, Sanzu pulling something out from his pocket. "Text her now and tell her actually, just get it over with." He handed you his phone, you held it for a few seconds until you opened it, going over to his messages.

You found her contact, telling her how she couldn't come over to the apartment anymore, you were a little shocked to see how fast she responded. She wasn't happy, you could definitely tell. She started asking about it, asking why and even asking if it was because of you. You only clicked the phone off, looking back at the road ahead.

She couldn't care about Sanzu that much could she? He hasn't been working there that long.... but she definitely developed some feelings, you doubted she was obsessed with him though, right? No, she wouldn't do anything crazy, she'll get over it. You sighed, the rain thumping against the car windows. "She'll get over it, trust me." Sanzu spoke, his eyes glancing between you and the road.

"Yeah, she'll be fine." You replied, but would she? Or would you soon come to find that she wouldn't be...

You were tired, you only wanted to go home now, Sanzu agreeing. He had actually gotten you guys a little lost, he was only aimlessly driving around, but it was fine because he soon got on the right path back home. You actually found yourself drifting off to sleep, Sanzu smiling as he noticed you were now asleep... it was perfect to him, driving around with the love of his life while listening to music you both love, his one and only, the only girl he'd ever need and want... god did he love you.

But when he arrived back to the apartment shortly after, he was met with an annoying sight. Ami.

She stood there drenched in rain, in front of the apartment. "What the fuck..." He spoke, stopping abruptly. You woke up to Sanzu's eyes wide as he stared ahead, you rubbed your eyes, your vision a bit blurry but as soon as your eyes adjusted, you saw her.

"Haru the fuck is she doing here?" You asked, had he texted her while you were asleep? "Y/n I don't know.." Is all he said, unbuckling his seat belt in means to get out of the car. You did the same, not wanting him out there alone with her. Your hair started to get wet as you didn't have a hood, the rain still falling hard. "Ami what're you doing here?" Sanzu yelled out, keeping his distance from her.

"It's you isn't it? You're keeping us away from each other?" She looked over to you, you furrowed your eyebrows, "I'm not keeping you guys from being friends, I just don't want you around here anymore." You scoffed, she walked closer in your direction. "You're fucking everything up..." She accused, "It was supposed to be me and Haru, you were supposed to be with Ryu, he was going to try and take you away from Haru so that me and him could be together..." Your eyes widened as Sanzu's narrowed.

"You knew he had a girlfriend, what kind of bullshit are you talking about?" You were fed up, this was ridiculous and you were tired. "Still, I thought I could make him mine..." She turned to Sanzu now. "I bring you coffee everyday at work, talk to the boss about giving me some of your work, i'm always so nice to you, so why?" She asks, her eyes watering up.

Sanzu rolled his eyes. "Go home Ami." He told her, but she only shook her head. "Why not me?" She wanted answers, her body shaking from the cold rain. "You're just not her." He replied coldly, Ami looked down at the ground below. "Oh..." She managed to say. She looked back up, she couldn't accept that answer, but it would have to do... only for now.

"Are we still friends?" She asks him, he doesn't reply.  "Please?" She asks. "I would've said yes, but you disrespected my girlfriend and now you won't leave my apartment... leave me alone." Sanzu keeps a stoic expression on his face, he showed no remorse. "And tell Ryu to stay away from me too... tell him i'll put 10 bullets to his head if he ever even thinks about trying to go after what's mine again." Ami looked frightened, she never expected the nice man she thought she knew to say something like that.

"I'm sorry but, I won't give up." She clenched her jaw, walking off but glancing at you once more before she did. She must've walked... or ran here since it didn't look like she brought a car. Sanzu sighed, running a hand through his wet hair. He looked over at you, smirking a little. "Let's go take a nice hot shower, yeah?"

You both did just that, it felt so good too after standing in the cold rain. Sanzu washed your hair for you, you even washed his. "I'm sorry about all of that." He suddenly spoke, you now faced him as he held your chin, staring into your eyes. "It's not your fault.." You shrugged, he then placed a kiss on your lips. "No, it probably is..." He sighed, his right hand traveling down the side of your body.

"You didn't know she'd turn out like this..." You tried to assure him, he brought you into another kiss, this time an even longer one. His tongue collided with yours, his fingertips gliding over your bare skin. He pulled away, squatting down to your stomach as his fingertips then traced over it. "Hey little one, it's your dad... i know it's still very early, but I cant wait to meet you." He spoke, you admired his long eyelashes, the look in his eyes as he spoke to your stomach that were filled with adoration.

He was wearing the most kindest smile, you couldn't help but stare at him... he was beautiful. You cupped your hands around his face, his eyes wandering up to look into yours, and you could only give him a smile. "I really do love you, Haru." you spoke, he kissed your stomach before pulling away to look back at you. "I'll always love you more, Y/n."

That night as you and Sanzu laid in bed, as you began to drift off to sleep, you could swear you heard him talking to your stomach again, even quietly singing a little too.

a/n: i want to change the cover for this story but idk how people make those cool covers (if yk what i'm talking about yk the ones that say the story's name and author and all of that idk how to explain it)
I'm planning on trying to end this story soon, i won't rush it too much but i'm ready to move onto another story so please please give me ideas on what type of story/character (i want it to be another tr character)
I was thinking of maybe making it a yandere story, i'm just not sure which character 🤔
Just comment some story ideas you'd like to see ☺️

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