Kazu+Mika *Bonus Chapter*

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Tonight you and Sanzu were planning on having a little double date with Kazutora and Mika, who have been dating for more than a couple of months now

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Tonight you and Sanzu were planning on having a little double date with Kazutora and Mika, who have been dating for more than a couple of months now.

You all planned to make dinner together, you came up with the idea and thought it would be a fun bonding experience which luckily everyone seemed to agree with.

"Haruchiyo can you pass me the salt?" You called out to Sanzu who gave you a quick thumbs up in response. You glanced at Mika who was helping Kazutora measure out an ingredient. You couldn't help but smile at them. They had perfect chemistry and looked adorable together, and she obviously made him very happy by the looks of it.

"Here you go love." You're snapped out of your thoughts by Sanzu who's holding the salt shaker, giving you a small smile. You take it and thank him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before he goes back to what he was doing previously.

"Hey Y/n can you help me with the pork? Im not really the best chef." Mika asks. You thought it was cute, she seemed a bit shy to ask, but you gave her a reassuring nod and went off to help her, showing her what to do as she watched you closely and followed exactly what you did.

"Kazutora let me help you." You overhear Sanzu say to Kazutora, making you smile to yourself as you were happy everyone was getting along. Soon Kazutora even put on music while you guys continued to cook, the kitchen soon being filled with laughter and random conversation as well.

You guys soon finished and were now sitting down to eat, the vibe still remaining as you all continued to bond over various topics. You even got to learn more about Mika. You discovered that she used to do a little bit of modeling which made perfect sense as she was gorgeous.

She also talked about her different hobbies, one of the most interesting to you being that she likes photography a lot, so much that she's even considering it as a career. She offered to show you some of her work to which you agreed to. You felt this could be a nice friendship, she had an amazing personality and you could see why Kazutora liked her so much.

After dinner you and Mika sat in the living room together while Sanzu and Kazutora washed dishes, something they both offered to do, while also refusing to let you and Mika do it. "You need to rest my love." Is what Sanzu told you while shooing you away when you tried to join them.

"When did you realize Haru was the one for you?" Mika suddenly asks, her eyes fixated on yours. You let out a small sigh, not even needing to think about your answer. "I guess somewhere deep inside I always knew... just took me a while to figure that part out." You smile at Mika, wondering what she would say next.

"I really like Kazu.... I actually think I might love him... i'm just afraid it's too soon." She frowns a little, you notice her fidgeting with her fingers, something you've realized she does whenever she's nervous or overthinking something. You place a hand on her's, hoping it'll let her know she's okay.

"There's no rule that tells you when you should and shouldn't start loving someone, it depends on you and your feelings Mika.... so how do you truly feel about Kazutora?" Mika's eyes seemed to light up at your words, as if she had come to a conclusion while also having a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders.

"I love Kazutora Y/n... I really do love him, and I feel he should know."

Mika speaks, a genuine smile on her face as she now held onto your hand as well. "Thank you Y/n, I really needed to hear that." She pulls you into a hug, which surprises you at first, but you soon accept it.

"Good luck Mika, don't be afraid of your feelings." You tell her, getting up from the couch to check on the boys who seem to be done with the dishes at this point.

Mika follows behind, going over to Kazutora who's finishing up drying a plate and whispers something in his ear. He nods and sets down the hand towel and plate, following Mika out to the balcony.

"What's up with them?" Sanzu asks you, leaning against the kitchen counter as you do the same. "I'll tell you later, let me help you put these last few dishes away." You tell him to which he just shrugs in response.

Mika was nervous once again, the confidence she had before slowly slipping away as Kazutora stood before her. It was harder to confess with him actually there, but luckily he sensed that something was wrong and grabbed her hand. "Mika? Is everything okay?" He asks evidently concerned.

"I'm okay... there's just something I need to say, but I'm not sure how to say it..." She speaks, her voice low as she stares at her hand intertwined with his. He suddenly pulls her into a hug, hoping it'll help her feel better.

"Take your time darling, i'm not going anywhere." He speaks in a gentle tone, softly rubbing her back now.

It was as if he had some sort of magic touch, or maybe it was the way he spoke, either way Mika had gained some of her confidence back, it wasn't much but she wasn't going to let it go as easily this time, and so she decided she was ready to tell him what was on her mind.

She then recalled what you told her;

"Don't be afraid of your feelings."

And she wasn't, not anymore. She cleared her throat and pulled away from Kazutora a little, just to look him in the eyes, so he knew she was serious.

"Kazutora, I love you... I love you so much and i'm not afraid to admit how I feel anymore."

Kazutora's eyes slightly widened, but then he smiled. It might've been his most genuine smile ever, he had never been happier in his life than he was in this moment.

"I love you too Mika, and I'm so happy you feel the same, I really am."

Mika and Kazutora soon left, and you told Sanzu all about the situation as the two of you got ready for bed. "They're so cute, I love seeing other people in love." You tell him, laying down next to him as he wraps his arms around you.

"You're so cute Y/n." He speaks in a sleepy tone, cuddling up against you. "I love you so much." He tells you. You yawn, starting to feel yourself getting sleepy as well. "I love you more, Haruchiyo"

And you knew you always would.

A/N: Hi guys 🤭 I guess i'm sort of back??? I missed writing and I felt bad for leaving you guys hanging, this is just a small bonus chapter of course before I add more to the actual story, but I hope you guys enjoy this :) thank you all for the support and I will also be publishing this story as well as "Beg for it" on ao3 as well! So feel free to read my stories on there too :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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