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Inui drove you back to your apartment, it was actually a fun ride and he was a good driver

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Inui drove you back to your apartment, it was actually a fun ride and he was a good driver. Occasionally during the ride, you'd look over at his hands gripping the handle bars, his grip so tight that his veins would pop out. "So did you like the ride?" Inui asks smiling, watching you take off the helmet he lended you.

"Yeah, i'd definitely do it again, it was exhilarating." Your face gleamed with joy, the rush of trying something new still coursing through your veins. "Good to know... thanks again for coming with me, you're the best, Y/n." He gave you a genuine look, you nodded, handing him the helmet. "We're friends, i'm here for you whenever you need me." You smile, a faint redness spreading over his cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah thanks." He said a bit flustered. "Well, i'll see you around Inui." You wave, he waved goodbye as well as he watched you head into your apartment building. "Shit.... she's cute." Inui said to himself, shaking his head once he remembered you had a boyfriend. He drove off, only he didn't go home or back to the shop.... he went to go pay a visit to his sister.

When you got inside, Sanzu still wasn't home. "Seriously? Maybe he did go into work today..." You said to yourself, but looking at the time you realized he'd usually be home by now. You changed into pajamas, looking for something to eat now. You spot the food that Ami had made, taking it out and heating it up... just to try it.

It was good, you couldn't lie. "She even cooks good..." You mumbled, sighing and throwing the rest out, still mad about the situation. Your phone suddenly went off, indicating you had a text message.

Come outside.

You stared at the message a bit, your eyebrows furrowing. Maybe he wanted to apologize, tell you he wouldn't bring Ami over anymore. You decided to go down, just to see.

Once outside, you spot his car. You went over to the passenger side, grabbing the handle to find the door was unlocked. Sanzu sat in the drivers side, one arm outstretched as his hand gripped the steering wheel, his other hand resting on the gear shift. His head leaned against the head rest, staring straight ahead, but once you adjusted in your seat, his head rolled over to the side, his eyes traveling over you looking up and down.

"What do you want." You speak, Sanzu sighing. "You're really pregnant?" He asks, staring ahead again. "Nope, lied about the whole thing just because." You said sarcastically, annoyed he asked you as if you were lying. "Can you stop acting like a child for once?" He blurts out, visibly annoyed as well.

"Can you actually keep your dick in your pants for once?" You fire back, Sanzu chuckling now. "What, you think me and Ami fucked?" He questions, his gaze landing on you. You don't respond and he grabs your chin slightly, turning you to look at him. "Would you be mad if we did?" He asks and your eyes widen. You open the car door, stepping out and slamming it shut.

Joke or not, it wasn't funny. "C'mon babe! Where are you going? You know i'd never cheat on you!" He calls from the now open car window on the drivers side. "Fuck you, that wasn't funny!" You yell back, it must've been the hurt look in your eyes that made him realize he went too far. "Shit, come back... please." He slightly begs, starting to get out of the car.

He walks over to you, his arms held out. "The fuck is wrong with you, huh? Your humor really is shit Sanzu." You said, using his last name as you were mad right now. "I'm sorry... can we just take a drive? This isn't how i wanted this to go." He asks, you notice his hair was slightly messy. "I just want to talk." He told you, and you wanted to talk too. You walked back over to the passenger side, getting in while Sanzu got back into the drivers seat.

"Listen, about Ami..." Sanzu started. The two of you had been driving for a while, not even sure of a destination. "I'm not saying you have to cut her off, I have male friends so it'd be unfair to tell you to not have female friends... but she's just always around, she's always all up on you." You stare out of the open window, a slight breeze blowing.

"Okay... that's understandable and i'm sorry, she won't be coming over anymore." He sounded sincere, and as long as he kept his word everything should be fine. "Okay... good." Is all you say. A silence falls between the two of you. "Where were you all day?" You ask suddenly, Sanzu hums in response. "Oh, I went to see the Haitani's... you know, Bonten crap." He responded, you only nod, not wanting to speak about Bonten.

"I hope we're okay, i've missed you..." Sanzu speaks and your lips curl into a smile. "It's only been a day since everything's happened though." Sanzu let's out a small chuckle, "Still, that's way too long to have you mad at me." He sighs, a hand running through his hair as the other remained on the steering wheel.

"So I guess the thing that happened in the office..." "Yeah..." You cut him off, the both of you suddenly breaking out into laughter. "Wow, shit... i'm gonna be a fucking dad." Sanzu says in disbelief. "I'm gonna be a mom..." You also say in disbelief, slightly smiling at the thought. "At least you'll be a hot mom." Sanzu looks over at you and you lightly punch his shoulder. "Shut up." You joke, "It's true though." He says, genuinely happy.

"You think we'll be good parents?" You ask him and he shrugs. "We should be the fun parents, i'll be the cool dad and you'll be the hot mom, all the other parents are gonna wish they could be as cool as us." Sanzu tells you, you imagined it perfectly honestly.

"Yeah... we'll be good parents."

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