Night Out

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By the time you returned home from shopping Sanzu still wasn't home

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By the time you returned home from shopping Sanzu still wasn't home. There wasn't really anything for you to clean so you decided to just watch TV and make a snack. You decided to have (favorite snack). Once you had your food you went over to the huge white couch that was in the living room and laid down on it turning on the TV. After watching TV for about an hour or so you began to grow bored.

It was 5 p.m. and you really didn't want to be home alone the whole night, so you decided to go out for some drinks. You got off of the couch quickly cleaning up and headed to your room to go shower. You put on your favorite playlist to shower to and hopped in.

Once you got out and dried yourself you did a little bit of makeup and fixed up your hair. You got changed into (whatever outfit you want). The time now said 6:30 p.m. so you grabbed your keys and left the apartment making your way down to the garage where the Maserati granturismo Sanzu had gotten you was. You got in and hooked your phone up to the aux cord, hitting shuffle on one of your playlists.

You decided to go to a club that you hadn't gone to before so when you looked up clubs on google, you found one an hour away that looked from the pictures- very nice inside. You were a little hesitant because you knew Bonten owned a couple of clubs, you just didn't know which ones. "Ah well we'll just see" you say to yourself as you get onto the highway.

Sanzu POV:

"You finished right?" Sanzu hears. He looks up from his phone to see Kokonoi Hajime; another executive standing above him. "Yeah, no leads though." Sanzu replies back returning his gaze to his phone. He hears Kokonoi scoff. "Damn fuckers.... anyways i'll see you at the meeting." Kokonoi says walking away from Sanzu.

"Guess I should clean all of the blood off of me before i head to the meeting..." Sanzu mutters to himself as he gets up to head out to his car. He drives back to your shared apartment to shower quickly. Once he gets there he notices your car is gone. "Y/n??" he calls out once he gets upstairs, no answer of course and to that he just shrugs it off, heading to his room.

You arrive at the club and take note of the large amount of cars in the parking lot. You pull into a spot and walk towards the door, showing a man your ID to prove that your legal and he lets you in. Once inside you look around and the club looked just like the photos. There were purple-blue lights, a huge dance floor which was crowded, a nice big bar off to the side displaying many alcoholic drinks, and there was a section of booths roped off with small circular tables in the middle of them.

You head over to the bar, although you had to squeeze through some people. You sit down and the bartender heads over to you smiling to which you smile back. "And what can I get for you pretty lady?" he says and you hum thinking of what you want. "Hmmm you know what, i'll take tequila please and thank you." you smile at him and he nods his head. You felt like letting loose tonight and getting absolutely wasted, you felt you deserved it after taking care of Sanzu and his needs.

He hands you your drink, and this starts the very hectic night that was soon to come.

"Yeah i'm thinking of maybe finding a chick to hookup with tonight." Sanzu says to Koko, walking into a club with him for their meeting. "One day your ass is gonna catch a disease." Koko responds back to him frowning causing Sanzu to laugh and shrug. They walk over to where the other executives of Bonten were sitting. A man opens the rope that was blocking the booth and they sit down.

After their meeting ended, they all decided to stay at the club for awhile, ordering drinks and flirting with girls, some even had girls sitting on their laps... Sanzu being one of them. "Yo Koko, you've been staring in that direction for awhile now, you find a bitch?" Sanzu asks taking a sip of his champagne. "There's a girl sitting at the bar, she looks really cute, but there's a guy talking to her so I guess I lost my chance." Koko says as he points over to the girl sitting at the bar. Sanzu looks to where he was pointing and his eyes widened.

"Get off of me quick." he tells the girl on his lap, basically pushing her away as she scoffs. His eyes never leave the direction of the girl Koko pointed out as he heads over to the bar himself.

"You know I think me and you could have some real fun." the guy that sat next to you about 5 minutes ago tells you smirking, his hand starting to feel up your leg. The drinks have kicked in and you feel very tipsy. "No i'm- i'm not like that." you stammer on your words as the alcohol has taken affect. "Oh come on doll, i'll make you feel so good." he leans into your ear and whispers to which you pushed him away, causing him to get angry. "You fucking bitch-" he gets cutoff as a familiar voice interrupts him and says: "Now what do we have here, were you bored at home y/n?" You look up to see Sanzu smirking at you.

"Who the hell are you?" the man questions Sanzu furrowing his eyebrows. "Someone who doesn't harass drunk women." Sanzu replies looking over at him, a smug smile on his face. "She came onto me, she's mine for tonight so fuck off." the man says grabbing your arm which makes Sanzu's smile disappear. You try to pull away, but once that doesn't work, you give the man a swift kick to his privates causing him to let you go and double over. "Fucking creep." you say scrunching your face in disgust. You turn to Sanzu. "What're you doing here?" you ask him, his face still displeased. He doesn't answer you but simply walks over to the man, pulling out his gun.

"Haru-" you say but get cutoff with a "Shut up for a sec." from Sanzu, and you do decide to shut up only because he has a gun in hand and looks like he's about to murder someone. He tilts the still doubled over man's chin up with the barrel of his gun, forcing him to look at him. He leans down towards the mans face, his left hand in his pocket. Sweat starts forming at the man's temples as he looks into Sanzu's blue eyes. "I don't like trash like you, so i'll just dispose of you myself." he speaks still in the same position, but now facing the gun upwards under the man's chin. Before the man could even speak, Sanzu deliverers a bullet to him, blood splatter all over Sanzu's face as he watches with the same murderous look on his face as the man drops, screams from the club being heard and people running away.

He looks over at you as you just stand, staring at him. You go to open your mouth but Sanzu stops you. "Don't speak and give me your keys, and don't question me right now either because i'm in a shitty mood." You toss him your keys, it's not like you could drive right now anyways, you can't even walk completely straight. You see a man run over to Sanzu. "Sanzu what the hell-" the man gets cutoff as Sanzu tosses him your keys. "Drive her car back to my apartment for me, it's the black Maserati granturismo." He speaks walking away. You look at the man who he just tossed your keys to. You notice he has the same tattoo as Sanzu, but on the side of his head. You both make eye contact for a bit before Sanzu interrupts. "Y/n lets fucking go." he yells and you say a quick thank you to the man holding your keys and go over to Sanzu.

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