Sunday Dinner

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Throughout the rest of the day you do nothing but sit in your room and text Koko

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Throughout the rest of the day you do nothing but sit in your room and text Koko. Since Sanzu was off every Sunday, you guys would always go out to eat on Sundays instead of you cooking. He was acting weird earlier, I wonder if we'll still go out to eat. You think to yourself as you get out of your bed and stretch. I'll go ask. And with that you head out of your room and walk over to his.

As you reach Sanzu's door and put a hand up to knock, he suddenly opens it, both of you making eye contact. "Oh Haru are we still going out to eat tonight?" you ask him with a small smile on your face. He doesn't say anything for a while as he just stares at you. He finally clears his throat. "Yeah meet me in the living room in an hour." he tells you and you nod and head back to your room. On your way to your room you yell out "I'm driving though!" and head inside your room to get ready.

You guys don't go out for anything fancy, so you decided to wear something casual. You fix your hair and only apply mascara. You head out to the living room where you see Sanzu dressed in jeans and a loose fitted t-shirt; also something casual. He's leaning against the couch looking at his phone. "Ready?" you ask catching his attention as he looks up at you nodding and tossing the keys to you.

You both put on your shoes and walk out making your way to the elevator and to the garage. You both walk over to his black Audi RS 5 with dark tinted windows. "Same place?" you ask as you start the car. "Hmmm we should get sushi today." he says looking over at you and you nod. You pull out of the parking spot and out of the parking garage as you head to the sushi place Sanzu had recommended you go to.

It was a 30 minute ride and the car ride was mostly just filled with loud music and you singing along to it as Sanzu laughed at you. Once you get to the restaurant and park, you both head inside. You both take a seat at a booth and use the tablet at the booth to order. Sanzu sighs and leans back into his seat relaxing his arms behind his head. "This place is nice right? I've come here before with some people from work." he smiles at you and you nod. "Well if you suggested we come here the food must be good since you can be picky with food." you laugh as he frowns. "Am not." he says leaning forward. "Are too!" you say leaning close to him as well.

You both continue going back and forth for a minute or two until the food arrives causing you both to stop and thank the waitress. When she walks away Sanzu flicks your forehead, both your faces still pretty close together from all of the leaning. "What was that for you shithead?!" you say frowning at him as he laughs, bringing the plate of food closer to him. "Just because I wanted to." he lifts his head up winking at you causing you to roll your eyes.

Throughout dinner you both talk about anything and everything.... life, people, memories, and at some point he even asks you about Kokonoi.

"So.... are you having fun texting Koko?" he asks as he picks up a piece of sushi with his chopsticks. "Yeah... he's very kind and funny, i mean we've been texting for only a day but i'm enjoying it." you say looking down at your food unaware that you were smiling.... also unaware of the stern expression on Sanzu's face that even he himself didn't realize.

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