Happy Again

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"Haru it's him, Mikey texted me

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"Haru it's him, Mikey texted me."

Sanzu stopped and put down the spoon he was using, his mouth wide open. "The hell.... lemme see." He said in disbelief as you turned your phone to him. He studied the text, then looked up at you. "Oh shit...." Is all he could say, you nodded your head mouthing a 'yeah'. "You're definitely not going alone though, so we need to figure something out." He went back to stirring the curry. "Yeah no shit, that's why I showed you because it'd be a stupid decision to go alone." You stared down at the message below again, unsure on how he had your number in the first place but that was the least important thing right now.

"We'll discuss this after dinner, so go get changed the foods almost ready." Sanzu looked back at you and you nodded, hopping off of the chair you were seated in and heading to go change. Sanzu rested his palms on the granite countertop below him, his head hanging low as he sighed. "The hell are you playing at Mikey." He muttered to himself.

When you walked back into the kitchen, the food was done. You helped him set plates and you both sat down and ate. There was a silence between the two of you, both of you still trying to comprehend the situation. Sanzu seemed a bit on edge, when you'd look over at him he'd be spaced out, he almost looked as if he was trying to decipher something. He was also barely eating his food, that's how out of it he was at the moment.

"Haru what's up? I know the situation is uncanny but we'll figure it out." You try to reassure him, resting your hand on his as he slightly jumped, looking over at you. He cleared his throat before speaking, "It's just weird... one minute he's run off and then the next he's texting you an exact location to meet him at? What if it's a trap." He looks down at his food, worry apparent on his face.

You sigh before standing up, bringing your empty dishes over to the sink. "Maybe he's tired of running, or maybe he does have a plan. He doesn't have anyone else left though to possibly come for us, so maybe it's not a trap." You shrug trying to suppress his unsettling thoughts. "Yeah but..." He sighs and you shut the water off, walking over to him and standing behind him.

You wrap your arms around him from behind, his hands reach up to gently grab your arms. "What can I do to ease your troubles.... I hate seeing you so stressed." You say in his ear, he hums. "Just having you here with me right now is fine, maybe even a couple drinks. Stay with me again tonight.... next time you can do something else for me though." You snicker at his last sentence, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Wanna go out for a couple drinks? Or we can stay in, there's alcohol here too." You smile and he shakes his head, "Let's stay in for drinks, if we went out there would be too many pervs staring at you." He tells you as he taps his fingers along your arm. "Mmmm fine... now we should make a plan for tomorrow. We could bring Kakucho too just incase you know?" You back away, going to get glasses and wine.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now