Risky Buisness

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Warning: Smut/NSFW

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Warning: Smut/NSFW

It's been about a week since the whole promise ring situation, along with the Haitani's helping Sanzu with getting a job. Today after your shift, both of you were gonna go take a look at his new place of work.

"You're leaving soon right?" Kazutora asks you. You look up at him, a broom in your hand as you were finishing sweeping. "Yeah, like 30 more minutes." You tell him and he nods from behind the counter. Before you went back to sweeping you took a look out of the glass window behind you, you saw a woman walking up to the door.

She was pretty much a regular there now, she was pretty with lighter brown hair and tan skin, she was about the same height as Kazutora, maybe an inch shorter and her hazel eyes always looked cheery. Whenever she'd come into the shop, you'd notice she'd mostly talk to Kazutora. Sometimes they'd have mini conversations and share a laugh together, you noticed the way she'd gaze at him as if she actually enjoyed her time with him.

It was always a new excuse every time she came in, whether it be her imaginary bird needing food or her dog needing new toys, she would always leave with at least one item. The door swung open as Kazutora looked up from the cash register, he instantly smiled once he saw her.

"Hey stranger." He called out as she walked closer to him, a bright smile on her face. They started their daily convo, you tried not to let your gaze on them linger for too long... but the way they would look at each other made you happy. Maybe he's finally moved on from you? Good for him if he did, it's definitely for the best.

Soon the woman grabbed a random item and checked it out, her and Kazutora saying their goodbyes as she walked out, giving you a tiny wave as she left. You leaned the broom against the wall and strolled over to Kazutora. "Soooooo.." You teased, he instantly turned his head to face you, laughing a little as he already knew what you'd say.

"Shhh don't say anything." He told you and you frowned a little. "So when's the first date?" You asked him and he shook his head. "No, stop. There will be no dates." He told you as he continued to count money from the register. You rested your forearms across from him on the counter he was at, tracing little circles on the counter below.

Kazutora looked up from the money, his gaze lingering a bit on you as he smiled, you hadn't noticed though since your eyes were looking down. "Wanna go out for lunch tomorrow? You know on our lunch break?" He suddenly asked you. You look at him, a small smile resting on his face. "Hm? Yeah sure, but aren't you asking the wrong person?" You asked and he rolled his eyes in a more playful manner.

"Stop that Y/n, she's just a customer." He sighed and you stood up fully now, your palms resting on the counter. "Yeah, a customer who comes in here daily just to talk to you. And the way you both look at each other, anyone would think you liked each other." You stated and he shrugged. "She's cute and all but... i'm not sure.." "Then give her a chance! She obviously likes you." You tilt your head a bit, Kazutora sighs once more.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now