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After your emotional moment with Kokonoi, you both finally made it to the theater

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After your emotional moment with Kokonoi, you both finally made it to the theater. You guys got a large bucket of popcorn and icee's. You both made your way to the room where the movie you guys were going to watch was being played. After many many previews, the movie finally starts. The lights dim and it goes quiet.

About 42 minutes into the movie, Kokonoi's phone vibrates. After checking his phone to see who was calling, he taps you on the shoulder and whispers in your ear: "Work is calling, i'll be right back." he says as he quickly gets up murmuring 'excuse me' and 'sorry' to the people he has to go by to get out. You shrug and continue to watch the movie, hoping he wouldn't have to suddenly go into work.

20 minutes pass and he's still not back.... he's missing the movie you think to yourself as you frown. You sigh and get up with the popcorn bucket just to go check and see if he's okay. "Sorry, sorry, excuse me, so sorry." you whisper to the same people Kokonoi had to pass by to get out. You walk out to the lobby, but don't see him anywhere. You go over to the bathrooms and hear talking, maybe even arguing?

Kokonoi Phone Convo with Kakucho:

Kakucho: "So you took the day off from work to hangout with some chick your only using?"

Kokonoi: "She's not just some chick, and don't say that..."

Kakucho: "Why? It's the truth, you and I both know your only using her to try and forget about Akane, I honestly kinda feel bad for her.... does she even know?"

Kokonoi: "I'm not using her."

Kakucho: "Why can't you just admit that your using her Koko."

Kokonoi: "Because admitting that i'm using her  just to get over Akane makes me look shitty, I don't want her to think i'm shitty."

Kakucho: "You are shitty, you need to tell her before the relationship progresses further."

Kokonoi: ......

Kakucho: "Koko?"

Kokonoi: "Maybe I should tell her.... about everything..."

Kakucho: "Well good luck with that, you'll probably need it to be honest."

Kokonoi: "Oh shut up."

*Call ends*

You were stunned, you hadn't heard what the person on the other end of the line was saying, but you heard Kokonoi saying something about using someone. You knew it was about you, you weren't dumb. He hadn't seen you since he was facing away from you during the call, but as soon as he pocketed his phone and turned around to see you standing there, he knew he was fucked.

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