Date Night

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"I need to talk to you

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"I need to talk to you."

You stared the man down, unable to read his face and confused about what he needed to talk to you about. "Who are you first of all?" you ask in confusion. "Your dating Sanzu correct?" he asks not answering your question. Who was this guy? "Answer my question and i'll answer yours." he didn't move, his gaze never leaving yours. His hands were stuffed into his pockets as there was an awkward silence between the two of you.

You noticed his right hand shift a little in his pocket almost as if he had something in it. "Let's get one thing straight to start off.... I don't like you-" he stopped mid sentence, his right hand now retracting out of his pocket. You looked down and noticed something shiny in his hand, you were finally able to make out that it was a switchblade. You backed up as he walked towards you now. "Your a distraction to Sanzu and he doesn't need you, you'll only ruin him and my organization."

'My organization'? You furrowed your eyebrows a bit as you stared at him. You thought for a sec, trying to figure out what he meant. "What do you mean your organization?" you ask, still confused. "Bonten." is all he replied with and it finally clicked into your mind. This must be Sanzu's boss.... Mikey. "Figure it out yet?" he asked judging by your startled expression.

"Are you gonna kill me then?" you ask staring down at the blade in his hand, knowing how dangerous he is. "Not today.... just let this be a warning, leave him alone and if you don't i'll not only kill you... but i'll kill him too." Your heart dropped a little, you weren't expecting him to threaten to kill Sanzu too. You stopped in your tracks, could this be who Takemichi warned you about? You were too busy in thought to realize the man standing even closer to you only inches away, it was his voice that snapped you back to reality "If you even tell him about our encounter today, i'll kill you both."

And with that he walked away from you. You weren't sure what to do.... maybe you'd have to break up with Sanzu, but you couldn't. You two had only been dating for 1 day and you already had to end it? But at the same time, you knew how loyal Sanzu was to Mikey and most likely wouldn't even fight back if Mikey tried to kill him. "Shit." You said out loud, frustrated with the whole situation.

You and Sanzu would be going out for dinner tonight, maybe you could end it then.... for your safety but mostly his. "I'm sorry Haru." you whispered, making your way back to your apartment, dread filling you the whole way. What you didn't know was that Mikey hadn't been planning to kill Sanzu at all, he just needed to scare you even more into leaving him and judging by your reaction, he felt he might've won.

Once you got home you decided to relax a bit before getting ready for dinner. You had to leave a bit earlier to pick Sanzu up from work. You were trying to mentally prepare yourself for breaking up with him. "Haru I think we should've stayed friends..." "Haru i'm not ready for a relationship." "Haruchiyo I know we've been together for a day but I can't do this anymore." You practiced different lines over and over again, none of them sounding right. You couldn't even tell him about your encounter with his boss either, but should you anyway?

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now