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Warning: smut/nsfw

Sanzu pulled you in even closer to his body, his hands that were once on your hips now lightly gliding up and down the sides of your body. "You sure about this?" he asks you and you nod. "Don't back out now Haruchiyo, you told me you would prove to me you really wanted me... so prove it." you tell him and his eyes light up.

He gives a quick tap to your outer thigh motioning for you to straddle him. You get the hint and straddle him as his hands find their way to your lower back. "Tell me if you want me to stop at any point, okay?" He tells you giving you a serious look. "Okay." Your hands travel to the back of his neck as his lips quickly attach onto yours.  His lips were soft and seemed perfect for yours. His hands slide down to your butt, squeezing it gently as his tongue suddenly slips into your mouth.

The kiss grows deeper as your hands run through his hair slightly tugging at it which earns a guttural groan from Sanzu. You both pull away panting, both your lips swollen as you stare into each others eyes. "Fuck." Sanzu breathlessly whispers as you realize something poking at your crotch from below where you sat on Sanzu's lap. He gently but quickly pushes you onto your bed, the roles reversing as you were now on bottom, Sanzu on top.

His body caged you underneath him, your only view now being Sanzu's lust filled eyes. He attaches his lips to yours once more, his hand making its way to the bottom hem of your shirt pulling at it slightly, causing you to break the kiss to lift the shirt over your head. He stared in awe at the sight of your breasts still confined to your bra. He brings his index finger up to loop around one of the straps, slowly pulling it down your shoulder as he does the same to the other side.

You prop yourself up on your elbows allowing Sanzu to move his hands to your back, undoing your bra and pulling it off the rest of your arms and soon off of your body completely as he tossed it aside. Once again he admired you below him, his hand resting on your stomach then traveling up to one of your nipples, rolling it in between his thumb and index finger. "Your so beautiful Y/n." he compliments causing you to smile a bit.

He lowers his head to kiss your cheek, then to your neck leaving little pecks on it and occasionally sucking a bit on it to draw out soft moans from you. He made his way to your left breast first, his tongue leaving his mouth to swirl around your nipple, one of his hands on your right breast rolling the bud in his fingers again before moving on to give it the same amount of attention your left breast received.

Once he finished with your breasts, he gave little pecks to your stomach as he moved to your floor propping your legs up and pulling you closer to the edge of your bed as he knelt between your legs. He gave little kisses to the insides of your thighs creating butterflies in your stomach. He tugged at your shorts before pulling them off. "Wet for me already? I love that." He spoke as he noticed the growing wetness seeping through the fibers of your underwear.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now