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"Hey y/n

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"Hey y/n..... can I kiss you?"

Sanzu's words replay in your mind as you stare at him with a shocked expression. Was he being serious?? He was asking if he could kiss you when he's always wanted to keep the relationship strictly friends only? Maybe he wanted to kiss as friends? Hell do friends even kiss as just friends?

So many thoughts race through your mind, Sanzu still staring at you with a sort of blank expression on his face, but he looked almost as if he was captivated by you. You thought for a second. I mean it wouldn't hurt, would it?

You nod at him slowly, his expression never changing as he says: "I need you to say it, tell me to kiss you y/n." he tells you as his thumb moves from your cheek to your bottom lip gently rubbing it. You close your eyes for a moment and take a breath. "Kiss me, Haruchiyo." and with that Sanzu wasted no time as his lips met yours.

The kiss was slow, it wasn't rough, but there still seemed to be a sense of urgency from Sanzu at the same time. It wasn't just a quick peck like you thought it would be either. His mouth had tasted of cheap booze, but you didn't mind. Both of his hands held your cheeks as he kissed you, your hands sort of just resting on his forearms.

Seconds later you both pull away. You both stared at each other, your eyes low-lidded and your lips swollen. It was amazing, the kiss was perfect. You wanted more, but you had a question you needed answered. "Haru..." you speak earning a hum from Sanzu as he stares into your e/c eyes. "Why are you here?" you ask as he sighs and takes one of your hands into his, playing with your fingers.

"Today wasn't a good day at work.... I even got a few blows from my boss." he laughs a little then frowns. "I bought some cheap alcohol and came here to watch the sun set and take my mind off of everything, and then I guess I blacked out." He tells you. His boss hit him? Was work really that bad? You didn't want to push it as you didn't want to upset him so you just let it go. "I'm sorry about work... we should get home now though before you catch a cold." you say standing up and wiping yourself off as Sanzu stares up at you for a sec, then eventually standing up himself and wiping himself off.

You both head back to the cars. "Shit i'm gonna have to leave my car here.." you say under your breath realizing that Sanzu is still intoxicated and definitely not in the right state of mind to be driving. "No ill drive myself home, just drive your car back." He tells you as he had heard your comment. "I'm not letting you drive like this and don't try to change my mind on this Haruchiyo because I will not budge." you tell him giving him a very serious look.

He smiles and sighs. "Tell you what, we'll take your car back, and then you can drive me back here in the morning so I could pick up my own car." you look at him, a bit shocked that he's willing to leave his car here. "You sure?" you ask him and he nods as he gets into the passenger side of your car. You shrug and get into the drivers seat, starting up the car.

It's pretty late when you guys finally got home. Both of you were exhausted and just wanting to go to bed, Sanzu not even caring about eating. You both go into your rooms and you plop down onto your bed sighing and rubbing your slightly swollen eyes. You get up and change into something comfier as you crawl back into your bed.

Your about to close your eyes until you hear your name being called. You groan and get up, walking over to Sanzu's bedroom. You open the door to Sanzu laying on his side, shirtless and wearing his usual pajama bottoms. "Y/n." he says glancing over at you. "What is it?" you ask as you yawn. "Come lay with me." Your eyes widen... why is he acting like this tonight? How strong was that booze he was drinking?

"Um... i'm not sure-" "Please." he cuts you off. It's not that you were uncomfortable with laying with him, you were just in shock. You sigh and walk over to his bed. "Only for a little bit then i'm going back to my room." you tell him and he nods. You get into his bed, laying on the opposite side as far away from him, not really sure what to do. "Come closer, I don't bite unless you tell me to." he says softly with a smirk, his words causing you to roll your eyes.

You move in closer to him, but he only groans and suddenly you feel a hand pull you in. Sanzu cuddles up to you, his bare chest touching your back. "There." he says as he wraps his hand around your waist. His actions had left you speechless. "Is this comfortable for you? I can move if it isn't-" "No it's fine... i'm fine." you cut him off quickly, nervousness building up in your gut.

You both stay silent for a few minutes as you lay in the dark, moonlight from his floor-to-ceiling window casting light on the both of you. "Wanna know why work was so bad today?" Sanzu suddenly asks you as you get a bit startled at his sudden words. "Yeah, you could tell me." you say peeking over at him from behind your shoulder, both of you still in a spoon position.

"I was so unfocused today and off... everyone noticed, even my boss which is why he gave me a few hits to try and get my head straight." he chuckles a bit as you notice his eyes are closed. "It was because every time I saw that fucker Kokonoi's face I just got so annoyed and angry." You perk up at the name he mentioned, confused on why he'd be angry at Koko. "And why were you angry at Koko, did something happen?" you ask him, your voice low.

"No, nothing happened.... maybe i'm just jealous of him.... every time I saw him, I thought of you, you and him together." He tells you as he snuggles closer to you, your eyes blown wide as you stay silent. "I know I shouldn't be jealous, it's so stupid of me....but I can't help but think he'll take you away from me.....and I can't help but get mad that you have that effect on me, that you could distract me from my work." You continue to stay silent, not really knowing what to say whatsoever.

"Everything's confusing me and making me mad, but I have come to one conclusion..." You hear him swallow, his voice low, but you could somehow still hear him loud and clear.

"I need you y/n...."

Were the next words out of his mouth, right after that sentence you heard snoring afterwards. You wanted to get up and run back to your room. So many different emotions were running through you. You were confused, happy, conflicted, tired, and hot all at the same time. You didn't want to think too deep into it though, remember he's still intoxicated. You think to yourself. Yeah, that's it.... he's not in the right state of mind so he's just saying whatever....

You kept repeating that statement in your head over and over until it finally sunk in and you were completely convinced that the alcohol he had been drinking played a huge roll in his strange behavior.

You wanted to get up and go back to your room, but you couldn't seem to move. You just stayed there in Sanzu's arms, unable to make yourself get up. You decide to stay with him, giving up on trying to go back to your own room.

You yawn, feeling your eyes get heavy as you snuggle up to one of his pillows. Soon enough you fall asleep, the sounds of Sanzu's soft snores filling your ears before you fall into the most deep and comfortable slumber you've ever been in.

a/n: I'm not a big fan of this chapter so I might edit it later on when i'm not half asleep but I wanted to give you guys some wholesome content with Sanzu before the next few chapters that won't be so wholesome like at all 😃

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now