Home Sweet Home

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After taking a bath and instantly falling asleep after, you woke up the next morning to a cold

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After taking a bath and instantly falling asleep after, you woke up the next morning to a cold. "Shit well that sucks..." you say to yourself as you sneeze. You get up and wash up quick in your bathroom, then head to the kitchen. Sanzu was sitting at the island eating a bowl of cereal. "Good morning" you mumble going into the refrigerator. You grab some juice and a glass and turn around to pour it.

"You look like shit." Sanzu teases and laughs once he gets a glimpse of your face. "Yeah thanks asshole" you roll your eyes and he laughs even more. "Kidding kidding, slightly... but that's what you get for walking out in the pouring rain." he takes a bite of his cereal. "I would've rather walked in the rain than stay with the other asshole any longer." you sigh taking a sip of your juice.

"I feel like absolute crap." you rub your eyes. "I would stay home to take care of you.... but I kinda have to go to work today, remember that suspect you found for me? We caught him so I gotta deal with him today." He walks over to the sink to clean out his bowl, then walks over to where your standing.

"I'll try to come home as soon as I can to take care of you, but for now call me if anything okay?" he says giving you a reassuring smile, you nod and wave him off, heading back to bed to try and sleep the cold away.

Kokonoi was at work today, he just made sure to stay out of Sanzu's way to the point where Sanzu hadn't seen him the whole day. This made Sanzu smile because he knew Kokonoi must've been afraid to see him. Kokonoi knows how crazy Sanzu can get... he doesn't show it at home but at work he's a loose canon. Besides, Sanzu wasn't planning to do anything to him at work, no, he was saving it for later for when he would pay a little visit to Kokonoi at his apartment. Sanzu grew excited at the thought, just imagining the things he would do to Kokonoi, he wouldn't kill him, but he definitely wasn't going to let him off so easily.

You slept the whole day away, feeling a little bit better but not much. It was okay though because Sanzu came back with medicine and your favorite soup for you. "Here take this annndddd, this?" he looked at the different medications he bought for you. "I think this is the right dose, just don't die." he smiles and hands you a couple of pills, you didn't even care you just wanted to feel better, so you swallowed the pills with the water he gave you.

"And eat this soup since you haven't eaten all day." You take the container from his hands and open it, perking up to see he got your favorite. "My favorite thanks Haru!" you beam. "I know I know i'm the best." he says cockily and you roll your eyes. "I'll be back in a bit to see how the medicines affecting you so just eat up." He gets up from your bed and heads for your door. "Haru." you say and he turns around. "Thank you again..." he smiles and nods, "Anything for you." he says as he quickly leaves your room.

It was already 9:00 and he wanted to leave soon, he was planning to get a few drinks before heading to Kokonoi's just to loosen up before hand. It's been 2 and a half hours since he gave you the medication, so he went to go check on you before leaving.

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