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Kokonoi arrived at the park about 10 minutes after you texted him

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Kokonoi arrived at the park about 10 minutes after you texted him. "Wow that was fast." You smile at Kokonoi as you walk over to the passenger side of his car. The passenger side window was rolled down as he sat in the drivers seat smiling at you as you got in. "Sped here just for you doll." He tells you and you both laugh a bit.

"Thanks for picking me up.... Haru has a girl over and I just didn't want to be around them tonight." You tell him as he starts the destination to his house. He shakes his head and sighs. "It's fine don't mention it, whenever he has some random over you can call me anytime and i'll come rescue you." he says glancing over at you with a smirk on his face.

Soon enough he pulls into the parking garage of his apartment. You both arrive inside his penthouse, you admire in awe at the size and niceness of the inside of it. It had red decor and elegant art lining the walls. "Make yourself at home Y/n." he tells you as he slips his coat off, lazily tossing it onto the white sectional sofa that stood in his living room area. "It's amazing in here... i'm guessing all of the members of Bonten are pretty rich since you guys are able to afford places like this..." you say still in awe as you walk over to Kokonoi.

"Money's my specialty doll, I make a lot of it so why not show it off?" he tells you smiling as he goes to sit on the sofa, he does a 'come hither' motion with his fingers as his black eyes stare at you intently. You walk over and take a seat down next to him. He drapes his left arm over the couch behind where you sat as he picked up the remote for his huge flat screen TV that sat atop his electric fireplace.

"We should watch a movie, what're you in the mood for?" he glances over at you as you shrug. "I don't really care, you could pick." he nods as he searches for a good movie to watch. He eventually picks a random movie for the both of you to watch. It was silent as you both enjoyed the movie playing. "Hey Y/n." Kokonoi suddenly says. You hum back in response. "Why do you live with Sanzu in the first place?" Kokonoi asks as he looks over at you.

You hum again and look over at him. "We've known each other since we were kids, he helped me out one day in a really bad situation I was in and I don't know.... ever since that I felt I owed him back so when he asked me to move in with him to help him out, I did." He gives you a slightly confused look. "What did he help you out with?" he asks trying to dig deeper. You sigh, "I don't really wanna talk about it... but I'll tell you someday.... it was a life threatening situation though, that I will tell you." You turn your head back to the movie after that. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push it..." he says frowning but you wave your hand dismissing his apology. "It's fine, it's not important anymore."

"Koko." you speak after a few minutes of silence between you two. "Hm?" he looks over at you. "Are you and Haruchiyo on good terms?" you ask, your gaze fixed on the movie. "Mmmm we aren't on bad terms but I wouldn't say we're exactly on good terms either." he speaks and now you look at him. "You guys seemed fine that one night, he even trusted you with my car so what happened?" you ask looking into his black eyes.

He smiles at you. "I think he grew a bit jealous after you and I started talking to each other." he tells you as he starts to play with a strand of his hair. "But I don't really understand why he'd be jealous of you.." you say looking down into your lap. You hear Kokonoi snicker, and then fingers softly grabbing your chin, forcing you to look into Kokonoi's eyes. He then leans into you ear, "Maybe he's scared that i'll steal you away from him." he softly whispered.

Your eyes went wide, your heart pounding by the little bit of space left between the two of you. He pulled back from your ear, his face now centimeters away from yours. "You know Y/n...." his hand was still underneath your chin. "Though we haven't known each other long, i've taken an interest in you... have you taken one in me too?" his face was so close to yours and it was almost like his scent was drawing you in. You weren't really sure what got into you, but the next thing you knew your lips were on his.

Kokonoi didn't hesitate whatsoever to kiss you back, almost as if he was anticipating this. He deepened the kiss, his kisses a bit urgent but also passionate. His hand grabbed the side of your face and he suddenly lowered you down onto the couch, neither of you breaking the kiss. One of your hands traveled up to his long hair, pulling it a bit which earned a small groan from Kokonoi.

You felt his fingers gently glide down the side of your torso, but they never traveled anywhere else. Soon enough your tongues had gotten involved in the kiss as well. Eventually you both pulled away for air. You both panted as you stared into each other's eyes. You stared up at him as he was still on top of you, his thumb moved to your bottom lip as he gently rubbed it. He lowered his head down to plant a quick kiss onto your lips.

"You are staying the night.... right?"

Sanzu stood at the ceiling-to-floor windows in his bedroom, staring out at the numerous buildings ahead of him, the moonlight reflected onto him. The slight coldness in the air gave him goosebumps as he was only in his underwear. "Haru baby come back to bedddd." he cringed as he glanced back at the woman laying in his bed, giving her a foul look. "Get out I don't want to see your face anymore." he tells her as he turns to stare back out the window. "What? Why? Aren't we still having fun?" Her voice was closer now as he feels hands travel up his bare back, a head then resting against it as well. "I said get out or i'll kill you." He speaks again with more sternness.

He instantly feels her touch disappear, her cheap jewelry clinking together as she gathers her clothes from his floor. "You'll be back." She speaks with an attitude and he hears his bedroom door slam shut, shortly following with another slam from the front door.

Sanzu sighs as he walks over to his phone on his side table. An unopened message from you that read
"Won't be home tonight, staying at a friends."
was displayed on his screen. He tosses his phone on his bed as he makes his way over to your bedroom.

He opens your door, just to stare at your empty bed. He stands there for a few minutes, a slight feeling of loneliness growing inside of him. He knew you weren't coming hone tonight, so why did he still check to see if by any chance you had changed your mind and actually come home?

He knew it was his fault. His fault you weren't here. His fault for suddenly being cold and distant towards you, but he needed to distance himself. He wasn't sure what was going on, and he couldn't explain it since he wasn't really good with feelings, but ever since last night, he still felt a bit off. He still remembered how you felt in his arms, the way your lips felt against his, and the way your body fit against his perfectly like a puzzle piece.

He sighs as he closes your door and heads back to his own room, knowing that tomorrow he'd just have a different girl in his bed.... a different girl to try to distract himself from you.

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