Familiar Faces

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"I'm back, Haru

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"I'm back, Haru."

You smiled at him as he tried to process your words. "I'll- Ill go get a doctor..." The young nurse said, quickly putting the food trays down and running out of the room. Sanzu's eyes were watery as his hands came up to reach for your face, making sure this was real and he wasn't just seeing things from his lack of sleep. "You're..... you're awake, this is real... oh my god." Sanzu spoke, his voice a bit shaky. "God i've missed you, I was going crazy without you and now here you are...." He pulled you into a tight hug, the doctor soon coming in.

"Miss Y/n, you're finally awake. Nice to meet you i'm doctor Abe." He reached his hand out for you to take, you shook it. "We just need to check a few things, could you please step out of the room for a sec?" The doctor looks over to Sanzu who rolls his eyes. He looks back over to you, holding your hands in his. "I'll be right back.... I love you Y/n, okay?" He gives you a gentle smile and you nod. "Okay... I love you too Haru." He kisses your forehead before standing and walking away and out of the room.

A nurse walks into your room and Sanzu looks through the glass to see them both talking to you. "Hey...." He hears a familiar voice and looks over to see the nurse from earlier who was bugging him. "Looks like we'll have to reschedule our dinner together huh?" She laughs, Sanzu sighs. "I'd rather not actually, don't think my girlfriend would like that either." The nurses face drops as Sanzu walks away from her, heading outside to get some air.

The doctor said everything looked good, but you'd have to spend a few more days in the hospital. "You gonna call your friends?" Sanzu asks sitting in the chair next to you. "Yeah, I miss them a lot, just like I missed you." You smile at Sanzu who smiles back. "Glad to have you back my love." he responds looking back at the tv. He looked so tired, and his eye bags were very visible. You stared at him for a few seconds until he noticed. "What is it?" He asks, "Why haven't you been sleeping?" You ask sternly.

"How could I sleep when the only thing that was on my mind was you.... I couldn't rest peacefully." You felt sorta bad, but you were happy you were awake now so he could get proper sleep again. He looked back at the television ahead, you stared down at the hospital band on your wrist. You wanted to tell him about your plan to take Mikey down, but you weren't sure if you should.

But even if Sanzu told you no, you'd still try and find Mikey.... this wasn't something you could drop. "Hey Haru..." Sanzu hummed in response, still looking at the screen ahead. "When I get better, I want to meet with Mikey..." At your words Sanzu's head instantly turned to look at you, a confused expression on his face. "What?? No, are you crazy? He almost killed you i'm not going to let you go and find him and actually get yourself killed for real this time." He was dead serious, and you could tell nothing would change his mind.

"Haruchiyo this is not something i'm going to debate with you on, I wasn't asking for your permission, I was telling you." You were dead serious as well, nothing he could say would change your mind. He shook his head, rubbing his temples with his fingers. "No one knows where Mikey is Y/n, so what's your big plan then, huh? You don't even have anything to defend yourself with... I don't think you thought this through." He scoffed, your eyebrows furrowed at his words and his voice getting a bit loud.

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