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You woke up the next morning to a kiss on your forehead

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You woke up the next morning to a kiss on your forehead. Your eyes open slowly and your met with Kokonoi's black eyes. "Good morning doll, sleep well?" he asks you smiling. You yawn and rub your eyes as you nod at him. "Your bed's really comfy." you tell him laughing a bit and sitting up to stretch. "Im glad because there'll be more days to come where you wake up in my bed." he stands up and winks at you.

"I'm gonna cook breakfast for us." he says as he walks out of his room. You sit on his bed for a moment and then grab your phone off of his nightstand. No calls or texts from Haru... you think to yourself sighing. You roll your eyes and hop off of the bed to head to Kokonoi's kitchen.

"Whatcha making?" you ask walking up next to him at the stove peeking over his shoulder. "Pancakes, bacon, and eggs." he tells you and slightly turns his head to give you a quick peck atop your head. "Mmmm smells good!" you say with a big smile heading over to his kitchen table as he chuckles a bit at your cuteness.

Shortly after that he finishes cooking and walks over to you with both of your plates. He sits down next to you and you both start eating. "So, got any plans today?" he asks as he munches on a piece of bacon. You think for a minute then remember your plans with Hina. "Oh actually yeah, i'm going out with a friend at around noon..." you tell him and he nods. "We'll finish up breakfast and i'll drop you off back home on my way to work alright?" he tells you and you nod in response.

After you both eat and clean up, you wait for him to get ready for work. Once he's finished you both leave his apartment and head back to your own apartment. Not much time later you arrive.

"Thanks again for everything, I enjoyed my time with you Koko!" you give him a warm smile. He blushes a little but then quickly catches himself before you could see by giving you a hug. "I had fun too, text me, okay Y/n?" he tells you, still hugging you. "Of course.... bye now! Have a good day at work!" You pull away and exit the car waving at him before you walk inside the apartment complex. He watches you the whole time, his heart beating faster.

Once inside your apartment, you notice Sanzu's keys are missing. "Better get ready to meet with Hina." you shrug to yourself as you head off for a shower.

Sanzu was pretty quiet at work today.... that was until he heard Kokonoi and Rindou's conversation.

"I really like this one girl, she stayed over my place last night and I don't know.... i'm thinking of asking her out soon..." Kokonoi tells Rindou as they walk down the hall together. "Good for you man, better hold on to her she seems nice and sounds pretty from the way you had described her." Rindou replies back to him putting both his hands in his pants pockets. "Yeah, the only problem though is she lives with Sanzu, i'll get her out of there soon though." The two men turn the corner and almost bump right into Sanzu before any of them could utter another word.

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