Pure Bliss

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Everything was perfect

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Everything was perfect.

Completely and utterly perfect.

It's been a few months already, so far everything was good with the baby, Hina already buying things for it even though it was far too early. "You can never be too prepared, Y/n." She'd tell you, of course she'd buy gender neutral items since it was too early to find out the gender, she'd even buy matching items for yours and her's baby.

The pet shop was going well, it was always fun being around Kazutora and Chifuyu. Kazutora even started dating that girl that would come into the pet shop often, her name was Mika, and Kazutora really seemed to like her. You'd catch him smiling at times to himself, and when asked about it he'd simply reply with "I was thinking about her." and carry on with his day.

You admired their relationship, sometimes you'd even catch yourself wondering if Sanzu does the same... does he randomly think of you while he's at work and just smile to himself? Does he tell his coworkers all about you just like Kazutora does? You didn't know, but you hoped so.

You could say that you think about him and smile though, you still get butterflies even reading his texts, smiling crazily like a high school girl after making eye contact with her crush. Every word that left his lips, every time he'd touch you, every time he'd look at you, you'd get giddy, you could probably fall in love all over again with him 100 times and never get tired.

You hadn't heard anymore news about Ami, apparently she moved towns, though no one knew why. Ryu avoided Sanzu at all costs apparently, even to the point where Sanzu forgot he even still worked there. Sanzu did make more friends though, a few men from his job that were actually pretty nice, they'd all go out to drink sometimes, Sanzu making sure not to get too drunk so he could still come home and have a decent conversation with you where he was actually sober.

You've hung out with Inui a few times more, he seemed a little distant though, you couldn't figure out why. Draken wouldn't know either, though you had to say, he was sort of in a slump too... probably still not over the news you had to deliver to him, but he wasn't too bad.

The Haitani's would come over sometimes for dinner, it seemed they had gotten a bit more close with Sanzu, probably due to the time he spends helping Bonten out a little. It was fun though, they'd come over every other sunday and even though you always had to cook, they'd take turns cooking with you. Ran was pretty good at cooking, he had all the basics down and you could tell he was experienced.

Rindou was a bit more reckless, forgetting to check on certain things and even getting an ick from some of the raw foods. Sanzu of course was the perfect partner, you taught him many things over the months of cooking dinner together, he could easily assist you.

You would find it funny whenever Rindou would get tipsy from the expensive wine you would all sip, making comments to Sanzu about how one day he'd "steal you away from him." or even how you'd "live an even grander life with him." Ran would have to apologize for his behavior, Sanzu keeping his calm because he knows it would never happen, maybe it was even the soft spot he had for Rindou that contributed to his calm demeanor.

You'd catch Sanzu and Ran talking on the balcony sometimes after dinner while Rindou helped you clean up, you couldn't help but stare at them, wondering what they were talking about, Rindou constantly having to snap you out of your thoughts. "They aren't talking about anything important, don't worry your pretty little head." He'd tell you to which you'd give him a look of slight annoyance causing him to chuckle.

Little did you know, what Ran and Sanzu would talk about was pretty important. Marriage. That's what they'd talk about. Sanzu wanted to marry you, hell you were already pregnant with his child, he wasn't going anywhere. "I want to marry this girl so bad, Ran. When the hell did I get like this? I was never this corny." Sanzu would tell him all the time, Ran usually would just take a sip of his alcohol, looking off into the darkened sky.

"Don't know Haru, but if you're really sure about it, do it." Ran would reply back, kind of tired of Sanzu repeating the same things over again, he just wanted Sanzu to ask you already. Sanzu would always think about marrying you. Having you walk towards him down the aisle, your dress being almost as beautiful as you, announcing your vows to eachother, now that's when he'd really feel corny.

And not even to mention the events to follow afterward, the honeymoon. The skin on skin contact he would long for, the soft touch of your skin coming in close proximity with his fingertips, the way he'd feel when he was close to you, in you. And of course you know, the whole vacation part itself. But for the most part, being able to call you his wife was something he longed for.

"Oh yeah that's my wife" Or "Mrs. Sanzu." Were sentences he couldn't wait to hear. Oh how he'd dream of the day to come, if only he wasn't so scared to ask you.

He wasn't scared that you'd say no, he was scared of how to ask you. That was the issue. How could he ask you to marry him? Should it be in a way that was chill? Should it be a grand proposal? What if it isn't good enough, he knew you deserved only the best, which is why he'd talk to Ran about it so much, asking his advice on the topic.

It was okay though, Ran knew he'd figure it out soon, Sanzu always did.

Anyways that was how life was for the two of you right now, maybe things would actually be fine from now on.


A/n: Hi guys i'm so sorry I haven't been updating i've just been really stressed and busy with a lot and my mental health has been up and down, actually the whole reason i wrote this chapter was to project a bit on some things in my life rn and also because I was really sad and had no one to vent to so I just started writing. I will try to update more, but this book will hopefully be coming to an end soon.

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