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It's been a few weeks since Hina's wedding, her and Takemichi were back from their honeymoon too

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It's been a few weeks since Hina's wedding, her and Takemichi were back from their honeymoon too. They went to Italy since Hina fantasized about going, Takemichi just wanted her to be happy, which she was. She'd send you many pictures, it seemed so beautiful. She was actually coming over today, you hadn't hung out with her in a while.

You texted her the address and told her to take the elevator to the 27th floor, she soon arrived. "Y/n! I've missed you!" You open the door to Hina who's obviously very excited to see you. You pull her into a hug, "I've missed you too! You've gotta tell me all about Italy!" You exclaim, Hina nodding as you both pull away and you lead her inside.

Sanzu was out job hunting, he hadn't had any luck but he was looking for just about any job. He seemed stressed about the whole thing, but you helped him out as much as you could as well.

You and Hina sat on the couch in the living room, you turned on the TV, flipping through Netflix until you both agreed on something to watch. You set the remote down and turn towards Hina who was right next to you, your eyebrows raised as you waited for her to tell you about her trip. "It was so beautiful, we did so many things like biking, visit museums and monuments, we also went on boat tours!" She tells you as she pulls out her phone.

She shoes you more pictures that she took, the images including Lake Como, The Sistine Chapel, and more. They traveled all over Italy viewing the different monuments and works of art. "How was the food?" You ask, Hina's eyes light up thinking back to the many foods she ate. "So good! One day i'll bring you to Italy to try their food Y/n!" She smiles, "Looking forward to it then!" you grin back.

You noticed she looked a bit pale, she also looked tired but maybe she was still sleepy from the trip. "Hey where's the bathroom?" She suddenly asks, you stand and motion for her to follow. You point her to where is was and she thanked you as she quickly went in. You walked back over to the living room, your gaze focused on the display on the television screen.

After watching for a bit more you noticed Hina was taking a while in the bathroom, so you went to go check on her. You knocked on the door, yelling out her name. Seconds later she opened the door, even more pale than before. "Are you okay?" You ask and she gives you a small smile before rushing back over to the toilet. You go over, you didn't need to hold her hair up though as it was already up in a clip. "Woah, if you were feeling sick today we could've hung out another day you know?" You tell her concerned and she shakes her head.

"Well actually, i've been feeling like this for a few days now... it's also why my hair is up." She tells you, you instantly piece everything together, the honeymoon and now Hina feeling sick and already prepared with her hair up..... it was obvious. Your eyes go wide. "Oh my god Hina-" You speak and she laughs a little. "Yup, looks like you'll be an auntie soon." She gets up and flushes the toilet. "Well shit, does Takemichi know?" You ask, excitement filling you. "Not yet, I was planning to tell him soon though. We've only talked about having our own kids a couple times, we have talked about adopting too." You both head over to the kitchen.

"Really? Adopting?" You say a bit surprised and she nods. "We both want to help kids, that's all we've ever wanted, especially Takemichi... he loves helping people. We felt adopting would be nice to do, give someone a nice home you know?" She states as you hand her a water. "Wow, good for you guys. That's an awesome thing to do." You compliment. "Yeah.... I cant wait for it all to happen." She takes a sip then speaks again.

"So when are you gonna make me an auntie too?!" You cough after taking a sip out of your own water, not expecting her words. "Huh?" Is all you say and she laughs. "C'monnnn you and Haru's child would be so cute! Oh! Both of our kids could be best friends just like their mom's!" She looked so happy at the thought, you gave a small sigh.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's too soon for us to have kids? We've only talked about marriage and kids once, but hopefully someday." You give her a warm smile. "Well I can't wait!" She exclaims. The front door suddenly opens, you and Hina going over to see Sanzu entering. "Hey, how was job hunting?" You ask and he groans. "Terrible once again, I don't know of anywhere that'll take me without an education." He tells you as he gives you a quick peck on the forehead, nodding over to Hina as a way of greeting her.

"Shit that's true, you don't have school experience except what, elementary and a bit of middle school?" You tell him and he nods. "I think i'll ask the Haitani's for help, maybe they can set me up somewhere. I know I said I wanted to live a normal life but if worst comes to worst, I might have to join Bonten again, just under their leadership. I know they plan on changing it, getting rid of most of the illegal shit so it would at least be a little better than before." He plops down on the couch, his eyes traveling to the television.

You sit down next to him, Hina sitting down next to you. "But it won't come to that, just ask them if they can set you up somewhere, they have connections don't they? They can figure something out...." You look at him, he sighs and nods. "Yeah, actually I think i'll go pay them a visit then." He stands, once again going to head back out. "I'll be back soon, Hina nice seeing you." He gives you another kiss, waving both of you goodbye before leaving.

"You're good for him Y/n, really." Hina suddenly says, you hum in question. "You didn't just agree with him about going back to Bonten, you encouraged him to go to the Haitani's and work something out because you know he wants a life without gang stuff, you're a good significant other." She was right, you weren't just going to let him subject himself back to Bonten, you wanted to be there for him even if this new chapter in his life will be hard.

Your phone went off indicating you had a text message. You pulled it out, and once you read the message you were both startled and confused.

Unknown Number:

It's Draken, from the wedding remember? I'd like to meet up and talk, here's the address for my shop, please come today if you can.

How were all these people getting your number? First Mikey now Draken? Hina noticed your slight concern and frowns. "What's wrong?" She asks and you show her the text. "Oh, well I gave him your number, sorry about that, he asked me for it but I didn't think he'd actually contact you." She tells you. "It's fine, I just don't understand why he'd want to talk." You sigh and she shrugs. "Want me to come with you? We can go in a few if you want." She suggests and you nod.

Soon you and Hina made your way to your car, beginning your unexpected journey to Drakens shop.

a/n: does anyone wanna be mutuals on tiktok? I might make a second account but for now my main account is if you do want to be mutuals! I don't post on there but yeah on the second account I definitely will

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