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"Good morning babe

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"Good morning babe." Your eyes open to find Sanzu smiling down at you, his rosy pink hair messy and a lazy expression on his face. "Good morning." you smile and he gives you a quick peck on your forehead before rolling out of your bed. He stands up and stretches then drags you to your feet once you refuse to get up. "C'mon let's go eat." he whines a little at your laziness. "Fine..." you finally give in, both of you heading for the kitchen.

You both sat at the island in the kitchen after making quick bowls of cereal since Sanzu had to go to work very soon. You both spent breakfast talking and laughing about anything and everything, both of you finding peace and comfort in each others presence.

"I gotta head off to work, i'll see you after okay? Maybe we'll go out for dinner tonight too." he kisses your forehead smiling as you wave him goodbye before he exits the apartment. About 10 minutes later you hear the door open back up again. You look over from your spot on the couch to see Sanzu walking over to you, he looked annoyed about something.

"Can you drive me to work? My car won't start." he frowns. "Yeah of course but why won't it start?" you ask and he only shrugs out of frustration. "Don't know, but I don't have time to look at it right now." he tells you and you nod, knowing he's in a hurry so you quickly put your shoes on. Both of you leave the apartment building after you grab your keys, heading to the elevator to get to the parking garage.

You drive him to the location he gives you which ends up being some old warehouse. You pull into the back of the warehouse, crates lined up against the wall. You spot a man sitting on one of the crates, his back facing away from you though so you couldn't see his face. He had very short blonde hair and what looked to be the same tattoo Sanzu had on his forearm- on the back of his neck. You came to a stop so Sanzu could get out.

"Thanks for driving me babe, i'll text you to pick me up later if that's okay?" you nod and he gives you a quick peck on the lips, gazing at you and smiling, his eyes filled with adoration when he pulled away. "Haru you'll be late." He snaps out of his gaze on you and closes the car door shut, then walking over to the man sitting on the crates. You were about to leave but the short haired man looks back at you, you almost jumped, you could see very bad dark circles under his dead soulless eyes, and the look he gave you honestly kinda scared you.

You both held eye contact for a few seconds before you snapped out of it, driving away from the man's stare, you watched through your rear view mirror as his gaze followed your car, uneasiness starting to sink in. "Weirdo." you whisper to yourself as you were now out of sight from him.

"Who was that." Mikey asks Sanzu in a deadpan tone, his eyes following the girls car as she drove away. "Huh? Oh that was my friend-" "I saw you guys kiss." Mikey turns to look at Sanzu now. "Fine you got me, she's my girlfriend... or my lover whatever you wanna call her." Sanzu smiles, not afraid of Mikey like other people might've been. Mikey says nothing more, he's suspicious of the girl, though he hasn't met her, he doesn't have a good feeling about her.

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