Late Night Walk

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1 week later

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1 week later

You and Kazu decided to go for lunch together again today. This time he brought you to the twins ramen shop.  You both sat down to eat, ordering different things as you watched the twins get to work.

"So how's that girl." You suddenly ask him, noticing a faint blush on his cheeks now. "Aweee you're blushing!" You laugh and he looks away. "Shut up, am not." He says embarrassed. "Kazu you've got a girlfriend?!" Smiley calls over, Kazutora instantly shaking his head no. "She's just a friend... we went out to eat once is all." He defended, the twins laughing now.

"Treat her right!" Angry then added on, Kazutora sighing in frustration. The twins then gave you both your bowls of ramen, you thanked them before digging it. "Enough about me, how are you and Sanzu?" Kazutora asks, the twins listening in. You gulp down a bite of food before answering. "We're good, he started a new job actually." You told him, he looked at you in surprise.

"Well good for him... he still treating you good?" You nod, "Yes yes, you know i'd tell you if he wasn't." You assure him and he smiles. "You'd better." He replies. You really enjoyed you and Kazutora's relationship, you were basically best friends at this point... texting all the time, working with each other, going out to eat sometimes like this, he really was the best.

You felt so comfortable around him too, there's never an awkward moment and you guys can even pick on each other and laugh about it afterwards. You were about to respond back to him when your phone vibrated.

Haru ♡︎
I'm having a couple coworkers over tonight so we can discuss some plans on a project we're having, i'm buying us all takeout so lmk what you want, love ya :)

You shrugged it off, sending him a quick text back before putting your phone away.

After finishing your ramen, you and Kazutora stayed a bit to talk with the twins as you still had time before you had to go back. You were all laughing and talking until you suddenly got hit with a wave of nausea. "What's wrong?" Smiley asks, noticing you got quieter. "Huh? Oh nothing, i'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick." You quickly stand, heading over to the bathroom as the three men watched you.

"You don't think any of our ingredients have gone bad, do you?" Angry asks Smiley, "I don't think so but we should check..." Smiley responds back, not really smiling anymore due to his concern that you might've gotten sick from their food.

You sat on the toilet with your head in your hands, you couldn't throw up, you were just strangely nauseous all of a sudden. You took deep breaths, annoyed that this was happening right now while you were with people.

You stood, walking back out to join the others. "You okay?" Kazutora asks and you nod. "Yeah.. just a little nauseous." You tell him, he stands, "Well let's go back, we don't want to make Chifuyu mad." He says and you stand as well. Kazutora pays them, pushing you out of the door before you could argue. You guys go back to the shop, your nausea soon going away on the way over... weird, but at least it's gone now.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now