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It took about 20 minutes to get to Rindou and Ran's place, they too lived in an expensive penthouse just like Kokonoi

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It took about 20 minutes to get to Rindou and Ran's place, they too lived in an expensive penthouse just like Kokonoi. Sanzu parked in the parking garage, Rindou was there as well as he watched you both pull up and step out of the vehicle. Sanzu strolled over to Rindou with his hands in his pockets. "Whatcha got for us Rin?" He asked on his way over, you following beside him.

"Let's go inside, Ran and I will tell you what we found." Rindou says glancing between the two of you. Soon enough all three of you make it inside. He walks you both over to the living room where Ran was sitting, his arms draped behind the couch as one leg was crossed over the other. You and Sanzu sat on the couch across from him.

"So what's up?" You speak catching Ran's attention as he sat forward now. "We asked some acquaintances of ours here and in Roppongi if they've seen him, no one here really seemed to have seen him but we found out he's been hanging around in Roppongi." Ran speaks as he eyes the two of you, you share a glance with Sanzu upon hearing this new and valuable information.

"Don't you think it's weird though? Mikey knows that we know Roppongi and the people in it.... so why go there?" Rindou speaks, your gaze now switches over to Rindou who was right next to Ran. "Maybe it's on purpose? I wouldn't be surprised if it was." Sanzu says while putting an arm around you, Rindou shrugs and yawns.

"It probably is, maybe he wants you guys to find him. You'll have to go there and find out yourselves, just be careful yeah?" Ran responds leaning back into the couch. Him and Rindou go over everything you'd need to know about Roppongi, even some of their acquaintances there. Once they finish, Ran stays seated as Rindou stands up to show you guys back out, Ran's eyes traveling in the direction you were going. "Thanks for coming, hope the drive wasn't too long." Rindou speaks.

You shake your head, "Thanks for your help, we appreciate it." You give him a small smile and he returns it, "Be careful Y/n okay? Don't wanna make this one all depressed again." He motions over to Sanzu who's standing right next to you, Sanzu's eyebrows furrow and you nod.

He sends you both off, Sanzu now drives you both home, the ride being mostly silent. Once you get back home you kick off your shoes, Sanzu doing the same. You were both tired after the long day you guys had and you'd finally get to sleep in your own bed again.

You go to walk into your bedroom to change before you feel a hand grab yours. You look behind you to see Sanzu looking at you, a tired expression on his face. "Stay with me tonight.... please?" He slightly begged, something he never does. "Yeah lemme just go change-" Sanzu cuts you off by pulling you closer to him, his arms now wrapped around you. "Just wear something of mine, c'mon." He says before suddenly dragging you to his bedroom.

Sanzu didn't want to let go of you, he's missed so much time with you because of your coma and it's been so long since you've slept in the same bed together. Once you enter his bedroom he lets go of your hand and starts rummaging through his drawers. Soon enough he pulls out one of his loose fitted t-shirts and sweatpants. He hands them to you before going into his bathroom.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now