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The rain had started to pick up again, the light drizzle now turning into heavier rain

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The rain had started to pick up again, the light drizzle now turning into heavier rain. From a distance you spot Sanzu, he stared blankly at you and Kazutora. "Shit, okay I think this is good. Thank you for everything tonight, you're the best, really." You gave him a smile, wanting to hug him but not wanting Sanzu to flip. "Of course, will I see you at work tomorrow? Maybe you should take a rest day." He spoke softly and you nodded, trying to have him leave before Sanzu could possibly do anything to him. "Yeah i'm gonna take a day off, but i'll see you again soon, okay?" He smiles and nods.

"Goodbye Y/n, get some sleep!" He calls out to you as he walks away, the umbrella he had purchased at the gas station earlier opening above him, sheltering him from the rain. You walked closer towards Sanzu, you couldn't read his expression, and you weren't sure what he thought about the situation. "Haru?" You ask as you now stood in front of him, rain starting to soak through his white tee shirt. "Why were you with him." He asks sternly, you sigh.

"Let's go inside and talk, you'll get sick." You walked past him, he soon followed. The elevator ride up was filled with tension, Sanzu didn't seem pleased. He didn't want to think you were cheating because he couldn't believe you'd do something like that, he trusted you, he really did... he just couldn't help but be upset still for some reason. Once you both got inside you watched as Sanzu walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a drink from the refrigerator.

He took a sip before leaning against the countertop behind him, his arms crossed as he stared at you. "Look, i'm not gonna blow up at you or accuse you of shit.... to be honest i'm not in the mood to even go crazy about it right now, just tell me what happened." He had a stoic expression on his face, he seemed pretty mature about the situation which kind of shocked you, but maybe it was also because he was too drained from earlier events to even deal with it. You walked over to the island which stood in front of the countertop Sanzu was leaning on.

You lean on the island, crossing your arms as well. "I couldn't sleep.... for obvious reasons, so I went for a walk. On my walk I saw him and decided to talk to him and see why he was out." You think back to everything that happened, sighing in slight embarrassment at the fact that you broke down in front of Kazutora. "He helped me.... I was feeling so many different emotions all at once and he helped me and actually made me feel a bit better. That's it, friends help each other and that's exactly what he did, my friend helped me and comforted me. End of story."

Sanzu listened carefully as you explained, and he believed you. You looked him straight in the eyes as you told him about everything that happened, you didn't seem nervous at all, plus he trusted you.... so he really did believe you. He sighs and drops his head low, rubbing his temples. He softly pushes off of the counter with his hands, walking closer to you. He then cages you between his body and the countertop, his hands resting on the granite below. He stared at your e/c eyes, an apologetic look in his eye.

"Shit, i'm sorry. Not even just sorry for questioning you, but i'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Yeah i'm upset about everything as well, but I didn't even think about you, that was pretty shitty of me. I should have been the one to comfort you, hold you as you cried... so i'm sorry I didn't." He seemed so genuine, you admired how well he handled everything and actually communicated with you instead of jumping down your throat.

You brought a hand up to his face, gently stroking his scar with your thumb. "It's okay, I understand, you were most likely feeling worse than me, so i'm not putting the blame on you. Thank you for not accusing me and listening to me." You gave him a tiny smile, he smiled as well as he suddenly touched foreheads with you, snaking his hand around your waist, soon pulling you into a hug. "Stay with me, I won't push you away. Stay with me tonight and tomorrow, skip work." He slightly whispered in your ear and you laughed a little.

"I was already planning to take tomorrow off to be with you, you'll be stuck with me all day." He hums, holding you a bit tighter. "Can't wait darling, let's go to bed?" You nod in response, the two of you heading off to his room.

You texted Chifuyu before going to bed, so the next morning you both slept in. It was the now afternoon sun that work the two of you up, both of you smiling at the sight of each other. "Good morning pretty, you slept in pretty late it's-" He paused to look over at the clock that sat on his nightstand, then turning back to you. "12:47 in the afternoon." You playfully rolled your eyes at him, "Shutup, you've been sleeping this whole time too." He frowned, trying not to laugh, "And how would you know Miss Y/n." You sit up, stretching as he watched from below, his blue eyes staring at you in adoration.

"Because I do, i'm starving now though." You place a hand on your grumbling stomach, you feel the weight on the bed slightly shift, soon you felt arms wrap around you from behind. "Let's go out for food then, let's have breakfast for lunch... brunch as they call it." He places gentle kisses on your neck, you tilt your chin up a bit so he has more access. "Mmm okay, let's get ready then." You unwrap his hands from your body, standing up and turning around to see him frowning a bit at the loss of contact.

You guys go out for breakfast, enjoying your meal then coming back home. You were laying on the couch with Sanzu, cuddled up next to him as a movie played on the television ahead.

"I want to have some type of ceremony for him." Sanzu suddenly spoke, your attention now directed away from the TV. "Yeah, we should... should we invite everyone else?" You ask and he shrugs. "I feel like they should come, I don't have anything to do with them but they all had something to do with Mikey, so you could try inviting them." He speaks as he plays with your shirt sleeve.

Right as you were about to respond, your phone starts to ring. You sit up and reach for it, seeing that Hina was calling you. You pick it up, Hina's voice ringing through the other end.

Phone call with Hina and Y/n:

"Y/n?? You're okay right? Takemichi told me everything.... i'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Yeah, everything was so intense but i'm okay now, i've been with Haru all day so we've been helping each other get our minds off of it."

"Oh great! I'm glad, I just wanted to check up on you and if you need anything please call me... i'm here for you Y/n, okay?"

"Of course, thank you for checking on me... let me know if there's anything I can do for you before the wedding."

"I will, thank you. Stay safe okay? Talk to you later Y/n."

"Talk later Hina."

Phone call ended.

"Sorry, but yeah I can invite them, we should plan it for sometime after the wedding.... which by the way are you going to?" You return your focus back to Sanzu, placing your phone back down. "If you want me there, i'll go." He gives you a small smile. "Great! Maybe you can reconnect with everyone too...." You tell him and he snickers. "I doubt it love, but maybe."

You both continue watching the movie ahead. Just being with each other had made you guys more relaxed. Sanzu thought about how crazy it was that one person alone could make him so happy, it made him feel like things were okay.

And things would be okay, from now on they really would be.

a/n: help this was supposed to be the wedding chapter as well but I was too tired so this is a short filler sorta so I didn't leave you guys hanging 😍 I didn't make Sanzu and Kazu fight because I wanted to sorta show how much more calmer Sanzu's gotten since he's been with Y/n.

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