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After exchanging numbers with everyone and waving them goodbye, you left the shop and headed for your car

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After exchanging numbers with everyone and waving them goodbye, you left the shop and headed for your car. It was getting late already, you must've stayed too long chatting with everyone but you had a good time. They all had pretty interesting lives, you even learned about their pasts and how they've known each other since middle school.

You went to go start your car when your phone vibrated. You pulled it out to see Kazutora texting you.

Come by the shop tomorrow we're getting a new cat ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

You smiled at his text, responding back before placing your phone down.

I'll definitely be there can't wait ☺︎︎

You set off to go pick Sanzu up, you couldn't wait to see him. He gave you a time to come in advance instead of texting you to pick him up. It took a little bit of time to get there, but eventually you arrived at the same work down bowling alley as before. You sent him a quick text to let him know you were there, a few minutes went by and you didn't get a response but you just shrugged it off, going through social media while you waited.

10 minutes pass and he's still not out, you sigh in slight annoyance, you got there at the time he gave you.... but maybe he was busy with something. You go back to scrolling through your phone, hoping he'd come soon, there was no one around and it was starting to get even darker. 25 more minutes go by, you've texted and tried calling him but you barely had any signal now. "Dammit." You cursed to yourself before getting out of your car.

You were gonna have a look around the outside of the building at least to see if he was anywhere in sight, you were tired of waiting plus he still needed to get his car checked out before it got too late. You made sure to lock your car, it wasn't super dark outside so you could still see, but it was getting close. You went around the side Sanzu entered before, no one was there but there was a door. You decided you weren't going to actually go into the building where there would be dangerous gang members, you were just sticking to outside.

You went around the back of the building now.... nothing. You jogged over to the last side just in case but still nothing. "What the hell Haru." You whisper as you go to turn the corner. You were now in the back of the building again but as you turned the next corner to get to the other side of the building, you bumped into someone. You heard something fall to the ground, an echo being heard as it fell to the pavement below.

You looked over to see a crutch on the ground.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, then looked over to see who you bumped into. You were now startled to see a familiar long haired man in front of you, only this time he looked to be in worse condition than the last time you saw him. "Fuck, watch where your going-" The man looked up, he stopped talking once he realized it was you. "I could say the same to you, Kokonoi." You say with a hint of annoyance in your tone.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now